Friday, February 4, 2011

Fast Paced Friday!

Time flies when you're having fun right??? It seems like every day is over before I know it! and for the most part, with nothing to show for it! There are many days that 4:00pm comes and I start scanning around, looking for a fast "obvious" project so when Murray comes home, he can tell I did SOMETHING that day. Sometimes it's baking, or clearing a pile of junk. Sometimes there's nothing I can do that will even put a dent in the chaos around here! So just for the record, here's a day's record of activities that look like I did nothing here!

Get the kids off to school 7:30am
Walk the dog
take sunrise photos (which weren't all that impressive)
Answer emails for multiples club
strip bedding, start wash
go to 9am step class
go to 10:15 am zumba class
get eyebrows waxed 11:45
check Winners for shelving units
go to Home Depot & pick up programmable thermostats
hair appointment 12:30
1:45 go back to Home Depot to get better look at shelving options
drive home, bring everything inside
check email/voicemail
load dishwasher, clean up kitchen
get kids off the bus
walk kids to neighbours after they get invited to play
scour messy house for &^#$% hammer
assemble shelving unit, beating pieces into place with bare hands & electric screwdriver
make soup, prepare plate of cold cuts & call it "supper"
go pick up kids from neighbour's
set table, serve dinner , clear table
set up studio lighting, backdrop and get pictures for Sweetie's valentine for school
cuddle with kids while Murray reads Harry Potter
tuck kids in
edit pictures, download valentine file & create Sweetie's valentine for printing
do banking, read Globe & Mail, catch up on FB
edit pictures for blog, write up post & publish entry

Today's "I did something noticeable" task : cleaned the bathroom & changed the sheets on our bed.

Good night!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Monday :)

Another winter day, more chilly weather! The girls got home from school, happy to have their friend from next door here. I've been looking after her & her older sister after school for 2 days a week since their mom got a new job back in the fall & wasn't able to line up childcare right away. Starting tomorrow, they'll be going to a daycare so this was their last day with us. None of them are happy about it! LOL It will probably be easier for the parents only having to deal with one place and not having to scramble around each week to find people to cover different days. My girls really liked having them here on Mondays & Tuesdays though and will miss the playtime!

In my Monday running around, I picked up Murray's skis with new boots and bindings so hopefully he won't freeze to death on our outings anymore. The upgrade is a birthday gift from his parents but he's already seen it so we've totally blown the element of surprise! I suggest he & Sweetie go check out a new trail some snowshoers had made and the 2 of them took off on that little adventure.
While they were gone, Lovey did her violin practice. Having me listen to the practice is a bit like getting a blind man to check your spelling. I have no clue if it's right! She's working on a few pieces that are starting to sound vaguely familiar but I can't read music & have no clue which notes are which or what they're supposed to sound like. I'm just the chauffeur to get her to her lesson & relay any messages back to Murray about what she's supposed to be working on. As she played "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" the beginning sounded right but then it sort of seemed to go off the rails but I wasn't really sure and there wasn't anyone to ask. YouTube to the rescue! I was able to find another kid playing the same piece from the same book. I set her up with my earphones and told her to listen & try to play along. This seemed to help a lot! The song sounded much better, if the 8yr old on YouTube isn't leading her astray! I only felt slightly guilty in pawning off the leadership to the internet. I'll call it "making use of available resources" and leave it at that ok????? She thought it was FANTASTIC! "I LOVE practicing this way! It's SO MUCH fun!!!!!!!!!!" She practiced for at least half an hour altogether so I can't argue with that!

In the meantime, Honey was holed up in her room DS'ing herself into oblivion and didn't surface until after the skiers returned. She was a little miffed that they'd gone without her! Hey, you can't expect to keep up on what's going on if you're hiding out! Besides, everyone should get a little one on one with Daddy & she's had lots of outings lately with her new found love of hockey games!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why Limit Yourself?

The girly girls are at it again! My cousin Weazie was cleaning out her room and put together a few bags of books to give the girls. She also found a treasure trove of hairclips, ribbons and barrettes. The girls opened up the bag tonight & oohed and ahhhhed over everything as it came out. Very few things actually hit the counter before being scooped up and tried on. They were so cute playing "hair salon" before bed. They weren't very keen on taking it out & putting it away in the drawer but are determined that they're getting back into it tomorrow after school! :)

Hard to believe these were the same girls waking us repeatedly last night with requests like:

Me: urrrnnnhhh?
Sweetie: Mummmmmmaaaaaa????
Me: what?
Sweetie: can you get up and come hold Bunny while I go to the bathroom????
Me: no. just put her down.
Sweetie: I don't want to put her on the FLOOR!!!
Me: leave her in your room then. I'm not getting up so I can be a Bunny holder!

then she proceeded to freak out because going to the bathroom was scary and finally ran in when the need became impossible to put off any longer!

Then later:

Lovey: Mumma????
Me: unh???
Lovey: my lips are dry!
Me: put some lotion or something
Lovey: can you get it? I don't want to get out of my bed!
Me: unintelligible outraged groan