Thursday, October 13, 2011

Water Works

Nanny's rain barrel needed emptying before they close up the cottage for the winter so Uncle Paul was "helping" the girls with this job. No one seems to mind all this extra work from what I can see! Many hands make light (but very wet!) work I always say!

Murray's taking a much deserved break after a long day of pulling everybody up the zip line!

Who doesn't love some night time sparkler action?

At The Office...

Honey's teacher had this picture on the school website.

She's working on a writing project in her "office".


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just Say No to Peer Pressure!

Lovey apparently had an enticing snack in her lunch box today! So much so that the girl sitting next to her wanted some! (animal crackers have major appeal apparently). Since there are different allergies in the school, there has always been a firm, "no sharing" rule in all the classes. I'm pretty sure the other girl is aware of it, as is Lovey. So the request was declined. The request was repeated a few times and Lovey just kept saying no and told her that she wasn't allowed because it's against the rules. No problem! "just pass it to me under the table, the teacher won't see!!!" Lovey stood her ground and said she wouldn't do it because it's wrong.

Holy crap we ARE teaching them stuff!!!

I was very impressed with her because the other girl was probably right, the teacher most likely wouldn't catch the sleight of hand and no one would know. Lovey had plenty of cookies in her package and had we been at the park or having a playdate anywhere else, would have gladly shared (not sure if this would be the case if there was only ONE....).

And since the other girl had already had 3 snacks out of her own lunchbox, I'm pretty sure she wasn't starving, as it was only recess snack, not lunch time!!!!

Lovey, Mummy & Daddy are proud of you for doing the right thing!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Day!

My brother in law surprised us by getting all the hardware for a zip line at the cottage over Thanksgiving! My MIL & I split the harness but it was his idea and he had it all installed before we got there. The adults all had a go at it but it was mostly the kids who used it. They rode that thing from lunch time til bedtime! We attached headlamps to them once it got dark and that was pretty cool.

Talk about fun for all ages! We had everybody aged 7 to 70 on this thing! The Thanksgiving weather was perfect and the kids were happy outside all day long. (or for as long as they could find someone to pull them up the line to go again, and again, and again...). We all slept like rocks that night from all the fun & fresh air!

My brother in law surprised us by getting all the hardware for a zip line at the cottage over Thanksgiving! My MIL & I split the harness but it was his idea and he had it all installed before we got there. The adults all had a go at it but it was mostly the kids who used it. They rode that thing from lunch time til bedtime! We attached headlamps to them once it got dark and that was pretty cool.

Three cheers for Uncle Paul!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Beach Buddies

We had our last day at the cottage for 2011. It's always sad when cottage time ends, especially when we have to say goodbye to friends there. We won't see our favourite neighbour again until May or June next year. Miss G is 13 now and has always enjoyed spending time with the girls and looks forward to our visits, almost as much as our girls look forward to seeing her! She always checks in to find out what our visiting plans are and when we're going to be around and does her best to drop in whenever we're there. She has loads of patience with them and will spend hours playing games and swimming and digging in the mud for clay if it makes them happy!