Thursday, October 4, 2007

First Trip to the Dentist

We decided it was time for the girls to have their first checkup. Most people start doing this at age 3 so we decided to try it. Apparently Murray & I were the only ones who thought it was a good idea. Leading up to the visit, I started prepping them. I'd mention that we were going to a dentist soon, that he'd look at their teeth, count them and that they'd probably get a new toothbrush. They weren't buying in to the hype. "I don't like him." "I don't want him to give me a toothbrush!" I kept at it but it didn't seem to help out any that day. Originally Murray & I were both supposed to have our checkups too. I thought they'd watch us, see the process and that it was no big deal when their turn came. Then Murray had a trip coming up and meetings etc so we had to cancel his appointment. Without him there, I didn't think they'd do too well on their own while I was getting my exam. So I cancelled our appointments & just took the girls myself.
They didn't change their stance one bit. We got into the office and they all huddled in the corner as Dr G talked to them. They didn't respond at all. He asked Honey to sit in the chair. She didn't budge. I tried to pick her up and bring her over to the chair and she scooted out off that vinyl in no time flat. I sat in the chair myself and put her in my lap. She sat there rigid, mouth clamped shut. I decided to move on & switched her out for Lovey. Same result. Now what?!?!?! Dr G then advises them that after they get their teeth checked, they get to pick something out of the "Prize Box" and has someone bring it over to show them. It's a treasure trove of plastic junk that any toddler would kill for! They are mightily tempted now! So we try again, nope. Lovey's still not ready to open her mouth BUT I notice Sweetie in the corner who is opening her mouth wide and doing everything he's telling Lovey to do. I get Bexie in the chair with me and she lets him count & check everything out while he tells her what great teeth she has etc. Then, with one down, things get a lot easier. No way is Sweetie getting a prize without them! Honey & Lovey comply but just barely. He can hardly get his gloved fingers in there and actually seeing the teeth is tricky! But all 3 have been 'examined' and we're set!

In the afternoon we went for another walk & visited the little girl down the road who's one day older than they are. We went in her house for awhile & they were fascinated with the different toys & she took them up to show them her room. I had a hard time prying them all out of there!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Another Snap Happy Day!

Today didn't start off so hot! Sweetie was hacking & coughing up a storm so I popped one of those neat meltaway medicine strips into her mouth, despite her protests & gave her some water. There! mission accomplished, medicine ingested! Oh but that wasn't the end. Let me tell you, if I EVER find the jerk at the Triaminic who thought it would be FUNNY to put uppers in children's cough medicine, I will tear him (I say him because no female in her right mind would even contemplate such a cruel joke) limb from limb.
She talked, she laughed, she crawled around, she tried to do my hair, she thought it would be cozy for her to jam her feet under my stomach, she patted Sarah & gave me a play by play "I'm petting Bunny. That's NIIIIICE!" and when she wasn't scampering around on my side, she equal attention to Murray. It's a bit of a blur now but we're pretty sure this went on from somewhere before 3 am through til SIX AM!!!! Around 4am I was ready to snap & I threw back the covers in a huff which apparently offended her delicate sensibilities because I heard her lip start to tremble as she said "Where you going Mumma???" I back pedalled the anger & told her I just wanted to give her more space so I was going to sleep in her bed. And I crashed out til around 5:40 when Honey started hollering "NO NO, it's MY turn... wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" and other gibberish and cries. Murray had enough of Sweetie's interlude around 6 am and brought her back into her room & I hightailed it back to my own bed & didn't budge until Murray had to leave for work at 8am. Sweetie had a lovely little sleep until NINE FORTY FIVE!!!!!
So, with so little rest, I was expecting to be a little more on edge today but they played pretty well & watched a little more tv than might be normally recommended. After lunch we went for a walk and they explored ditches & mountains & fences, much to the surprise of the neighbour who actually owns the cedar rail fence that was serving as a school bus, train and a classroom! He came down his driveway & didn't notice our little invasion until after he'd crossed the street & was a little startled to see us all hanging out there!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Walk

Since hunters are out & about, Sunday is the only day we dare venture into the woods now. I'm not sure what all the seasons are but I think they're allowed to hunt birds at the moment so I don't want to take any chances!

I thought I was doing a good thing, I let Murray sleep in today! We were up a lot with Sweetie last night. She had a terrible time sleeping for coughing. Finally we brought her in with us and she settled down, but took up a lot of room so I went to sleep in her bed so they'd have more space. In the morning I came back in to grab my glasses and saw Murray hanging onto the edge of the bed and Sweetie curled right up in his back.. my side? Wide open!!!!!! lol

So the kids all got up, we had breakfast, got dressed & ready for church. Murray gets up just as I'm getting myself ready & he goes to the kitchen to eat. I get them in their carseats, ready to leave for church & go back in to say goodbye. "what do you mean 'goodbye' ???" He wanted to come! How was I supposed to know? I thought he'd have a nice morning to himself since the night before had been hectic & I'd gotten my sleep in the day before.

The girls joined the rest of the kids from Vacation Bible School as they sang one of the songs they learned to the congregation. Or rather, my girls stood with the kids who were singing! Oh well, one step at a time. The fact that they stayed there the whole time, despite wanting to run to me was impressive for their first performance! After church we went to cherub choir practice but it was more of the same. I asked them afterwards if they liked it & they were pretty enthusisastic so who knows?