Monday, October 1, 2007

Another Snap Happy Day!

Today didn't start off so hot! Sweetie was hacking & coughing up a storm so I popped one of those neat meltaway medicine strips into her mouth, despite her protests & gave her some water. There! mission accomplished, medicine ingested! Oh but that wasn't the end. Let me tell you, if I EVER find the jerk at the Triaminic who thought it would be FUNNY to put uppers in children's cough medicine, I will tear him (I say him because no female in her right mind would even contemplate such a cruel joke) limb from limb.
She talked, she laughed, she crawled around, she tried to do my hair, she thought it would be cozy for her to jam her feet under my stomach, she patted Sarah & gave me a play by play "I'm petting Bunny. That's NIIIIICE!" and when she wasn't scampering around on my side, she equal attention to Murray. It's a bit of a blur now but we're pretty sure this went on from somewhere before 3 am through til SIX AM!!!! Around 4am I was ready to snap & I threw back the covers in a huff which apparently offended her delicate sensibilities because I heard her lip start to tremble as she said "Where you going Mumma???" I back pedalled the anger & told her I just wanted to give her more space so I was going to sleep in her bed. And I crashed out til around 5:40 when Honey started hollering "NO NO, it's MY turn... wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" and other gibberish and cries. Murray had enough of Sweetie's interlude around 6 am and brought her back into her room & I hightailed it back to my own bed & didn't budge until Murray had to leave for work at 8am. Sweetie had a lovely little sleep until NINE FORTY FIVE!!!!!
So, with so little rest, I was expecting to be a little more on edge today but they played pretty well & watched a little more tv than might be normally recommended. After lunch we went for a walk and they explored ditches & mountains & fences, much to the surprise of the neighbour who actually owns the cedar rail fence that was serving as a school bus, train and a classroom! He came down his driveway & didn't notice our little invasion until after he'd crossed the street & was a little startled to see us all hanging out there!

1 comment:

Princess Pameela said...

I can't say it enough times, the photos of these precious girls make my day!!!!!!