Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Getting Through the Week

Wow, tomorrow's Wednesday! I'm pretty much halfway through the week with a really fun weekend coming up. The girls turn 3 on the 18th (Monday) so we get to have some company, cake & fun for a few days! We haven't made any big plans or decided on a menu or anything at all but we've decided to try and keep it simple. I was toying with the idea of a theme party, or having an actual 'party' with other kids as guests etc but I think they're still young enough to be happy with a few presents, cake and just us family folk around. A friend with older children mentioned that once you start with the parties, then each year the kids expect the same or better so it's best not to start any sooner than you have to. Besides, are they really going to remember anything extravagant we do at this age anyway? Why waste the effort/expense/time on something they'll have no recollection of??????

We had a GREAT Monday which was a very nice way to start off the week! We had Teena & Boo over to play and they stayed for lunch and a good portion of the afternoon so it was fun fun fun! The kids played outside and Boo gave the girls early bday presents and the fancy gymnastics twirling ribbons were a big hit (T, get ME one for MY bday please!). They also brought their new puppy who was very happy to have a large open space to zoom around in (no fence at their place yet so he's leading a tethered life). The kids played in the pool for awhile & showed off their garden and by the time they went home, the day was pretty much taken care of and they'd spent the majority of it outside playing and having a great time. Just the way we like it!

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