Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Beating the Heat!

This morning started off not too hot so I thought I'd get some cookies baked before the sun got to its full strength. The girls enjoyed doing their jobs & anxiously awaited their little spoonfuls of dough when it was all mixed. We only have one beater on the mixer so I give them the spoons instead & that way I can have the beater!

Around 11am, as I'm waiting for a batch of cookies to come out, Old Nanny phones to ask if we want to go to her daughter's house to go swimming. I wasn't long accepting THAT offer! The tricky part was that I had to meet her within 2 hours... and finish the baking, cleaning up that mess, make lunch, get them to eat the lunch, clean up the kitchen & pack our stuff, sunscreen everybody, load them in the car, get the dog to Murray and arrive on time to meet her. Let me tell you, this was no small feat but the reward was well worth the hustle! I had to be on the kids all the time & remind them a million times that we were going somewhere. They're not big on completing tasks in one sitting! I'm very proud to say that I made the 1pm rendezvous!!! (well maybe 2 minutes late but I'm still impressed to have managed even that!).

The kids had a blast in the pool. Initially guess-who was a little uncertain about going in & I think she was planning to sit on the side & watch but before she knew it, Old Nanny had picked her up and carried into the water. So much for that plan Honey! Sweetie & Lovey were a little more daring & after awhile the life jackets got in the way so we ditched those and they were happy to float on the toys & hang off my straps in the back as I swam around. Lovey would let me push her under the water towards the wall & the ladder & practice "swimming". They haven't really got the hang of kicking or paddling but I think they have to be ok with getting their faces wet before they figure that out. Sweetie wasn't as keen on going right in but Lovey did it over and over. They got out of the water a couple of times but kept wanting to go back in. After we'd been there almost 3 hours, I started to get their clothes out so I could dress them & they told me they weren't ready to go yet, they wanted to go back in the pool!

Murray's always been sortof against getting a pool, thinks they're too much bother, doesn't know anyone who has a pool that thinks they're worth having etc but I told him how much fun they had there & he seemed to half consider it this time. Usually whenever I mention it he immediately shoots me down. This time he wanted to know how big this one was so he could price them! Give me a few years and I just may get somewhere! Rick, you might get to swim with the girls yet!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly...sounds like a great day! Brenda always said that their pool saved her sanity some days :) She loved it!

KelMur & Co. said...

sounds like another item for the "pro's" column!