Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Birthday Boys!

It was a busy weekend for birthdays in our family! My nephew, (I don't care if I'm not technically related to him, I'm calling him MINE darnit!) turned one on Sunday and we went to his party on Saturday afternoon. There were lots of other kids & they all helped Mr Bojangles open his presents. Or rather, they completely took over the opening of his presents but did let him play with his stuff, at least briefly I believe!

the coolest candles I've ever seen!

Mr Bojangles in his fancy birthday hat

Mr Bojangles and Nana having a hollering match. He was actually much happier than he looks. He just has to make that face to summon up the volume he needs to impress Nana!

Then on Sunday, we celebrated my Dad's birthday with another bbq birthday dinner and luckily for me, more cake. I can't seem to get enough cake & icing (this could be how that cake decorating hobby got started!)

the girls had a great time at Grandad's party but were a little cranky from the busy weekend and all the travelling in the car so we made a hasty exit before things totally went downhill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Bojangles is not your nephew then I don't know who is. That's like me saying I'm not the girls aunt!!

Lets see someone prove it!! It might not be a blood relation, but we have to put up with their blood relations (our husbands - don't want to offend anyone). (: