Monday, September 1, 2008

Hair Envy

Sweetie has long coveted Honey's locks, but the sleek beauty of the straight hair still eludes her. The fact that she has gorgeous curls that are the envy of many, means little to this girl. Ever since Honey got her new look, Sweetie has been considering taking the plunge. She has mentioned a haircut several times but never got very serious about it. On Friday she decided she was ready. She wanted her hair just like Koas. Great. no pressure, just IMPOSSIBLE.

I was terrified of what might happen after the fact if she decided she didn't like shorter hair afterall. The fits this girl can pitch are UNbelievable. I thoroughly explained that her hair, even if I cut it, would NOT look like her sister or her idol. Their hair was just different from hers and could not be copied. She decided that was ok, she just wanted a haircut. I was way more nervous doing hers than Honey's even though everyone else says cutting straight hair is much harder than curly hair. I took off hardly anything, just enough for her to be able to say she'd gotten it cut.

I think in the end, she wasn't as envious of the hairstyle as the experience. Everyone comments on Honey's hair, how different it looks, how nice it is, how much they like her new style etc. This was new for Sweetie, normally everone oohs and ahhs over the curls but suddenly Honey's getting the attention.

We got through it, with much wiggling, head turning and shifting in the seat. Cutting hair on a moving target is pretty darn tricky! I did manage to get it pretty much even all the way around and she's pleased with it so it turned out ok in the end!

1 comment:

Gwen & Kaitlyn said...




who WOULdNT envy my hair xD