Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Pen IS Mightier than the Sword!

Recently Sweetie caused some major mayhem! Now that they're learning how to write and sound things out, she's discovered she can be very naughty with her written words. She had the audacity to pick up a discarded sales tag from Honey's new hat. She was shaking with giggles as she spelled out "poop" on the little piece of cardboard.

Sure enough, not long after, Honey comes along and sees the defiled card. She's furious!!! There is much wailing and screaming about the graffiti and we do our best with an eraser but it was in pencil crayon which doesn't come off all that well.

Sweetie stays nearby to witness the anguish and grief and as things are subsiding she squeals with delight and her voice cracks with her high pitched pronouncement "now I'm going to write penis!!!!!!!!" and then she cackled all the way to her bedroom. I'm not sure if she followed through on this plan or not. Someday in the not too distant future, I'll probably discover she has as I hand in a church envelope or something.....

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