Thursday, May 27, 2010


While doing some whipper snipping, I spotted this guy hanging out in the sun by the garage and decided to put him in a box til the girls got home.

I expected a bunch of shrieking and then some running away. They were actually a little braver than that. Mind you, they fulfilled the shrieking and running part in spades BUT they kept coming back to check it out and eventually wanted to hold it. They confidently told me there aren't any poisonous snakes in our area. Murray pointed out that people have lots of weird snakes as pets and some of them get loose!

This guy seemed bigger than other snakes I've seen when mowing the yard but I have no idea what kind it is. If you recognize it, please leave a comment!

Honey was very concerned about the snake's happiness and wanted him put back soon after she got a chance to check him out. The other two took a good long while to get bored of him.

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