Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Candy Anyone?

We had someone drop in unexpectedly today! Isn't she beautiful? Not that I'm partial to labs or anything eh? ;))) She looks a lot like the neighbours dog so when she trotted up to our gate, I assumed it was her. Not wanting her to be running loose in the street, I decided to bring her into the backyard and keep her safe. Aren't I a good neighbour???

I waited a bit to see if I could hear them calling for the dog but no one did. I hollered over to see if they were out in their yard. nope. I phoned over to see if the dog was missing but to my surprise she tells me her dog is sitting at her feet!!! Yikes! what mangy mutt have I brought into my yard??? No tags, no collar and she's been swimming in the pond and is super stinky.

By this time the girls love her and want to know if she can stay overnight if we don't find her owners. I said we'd probably bring her into the house if we can't find anyone. So they decide to name her "Candy". Then they all set about building her a dog house since I won't let her inside.

Sweetie ran inside to her handy dandy art shop and whipped up a "LOST DOG" poster with a picture of Candy on it to help identify the pet. I'm sure she was going to add some contact information to her poster and just didn't have a chance before we took the picture ;)

Boo enjoyed her swim in the pool today! Another lovely lounging-in-the-water day and the pool's up to 27°! If it gets any warmer in there it's not even going to be refreshing!

Much to the girls' dismay, Murray took Candy for a walk down the street and found her owners and they did keep her. Those 3 hours are about as long as I wanted to have a 2nd dog though so I was ok with the return :)))

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