Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Card Photoshoot!

Every year it's a scramble to get a photo taken to put in our Christmas cards. I'm the only one who really wants to do it and that's only at the beginning. By the end of it, I'm ready to disown the lot of them! This year I got a little smarter and planned it to coincide with a night that Grammie & Grandad were visiting. I set everything up and had Grandad in charge of pushing the shutter and Grammie in charge of trying to get the yahoos attention.

It seemed like the perfect solution but there's just no helping some people!!! Here we are in our spectacular outtake glory!

and here's what I managed to pull together for the actual card:

Then I decided I shouldn't be the one having all the fun and roped Grammie & Grandad into a few shots:

and miracle of miracles, we can actually pretend to be a nice normal family for all of 3 seconds, but that's all it took cuz my Daddy-o has a fast trigger finger!!!! A big thank you to my parents for assisting me on this nightmare project! (you can bet your sweet bippy you're on the job for next year too!!!! :)))

1 comment:

Gram said...

Okey Dokey-can hardly wait!