Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting too lazy!

Ok, things are getting too lazy around here!  Honey wasn't feeling well last night so she crawled in with me before Murray came to bed and she decided she didn't much care for going to her own bed when he did get there! So he left to sleep in her bed instead, rather than disturb or inconvenience her LOL

I woke up this morning a little after 8 and got ready to go to my 9am class at the gym. Lovey was up when I left and I figured the others would wake after hearing me banging around getting ready. Well! apparently not! Murray reported that the other 2 stayed in bed until 10:20!!!!!!!!! Yikes! longest sleep in ever! Getting off this vacation schedule is getting trickier every day! Gotta reverse the trend here soon.

I did the 9am weight lifting class which I really like. Then I thought I'd try out the yoga class right after that and now I know that an hour of yoga is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for me! It was all stretching and didn't feel like I worked anything at all. Now I know stretching is good for you but it was just too much staying still. I can't be at rest for that long or I go craaaaaaaaazy!!! I went back tonight for spin class and enjoyed that MUCH more! That's the end of my yoga career I guess! back to Pilates next week instead and try to snap this core back into shape, it's a mess! I also signed up for a fitness challenge to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. If I accomplish this, I get 2 months membership for free and you know how much I love FREE. Now to see if I love FREE more than I love chips, chocolate, cake, icing..... you see the dilemma???!??!?!???

This afternoon we took the girls skating, hoping to use up some of that stored energy from all the sleeping in! Everyone was much happier this trip and skated around for the hour without any scowls or meltdowns, so woohoo!!! (you'll notice my success bar for this isn't set overly high huh?)

After skating we hit the library where Murray picked up a copy of The Scorch Trials which is the 2nd book in the Maze Runner series. I had borrowed the ebook on my iPad but it expired before we finished reading it. This left us in quite a state of curiosity!!! Everyone was excited to be able to continue the story tonight!

Once we had the book safely on board, we headed over to Aunt Cathy's to meet our newest cousin, Imc! Aunt Cathy's had her visiting with her mum for the last week and will be sad to see them leave tomorrow. They're planning to be back in the spring though so she can resume her grammie duties then :)))

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