Friday, February 10, 2012

Averting Disaster!

I was grocery shopping a couple of weeks ago and got to the peanut butter (aka our main staple) section. I went to grab my usual 2kg (aka 2 week supply) and jerked my hand back aghast as I saw the sticker. $10.99?!?!?!? TELL me that's a typo!!!!!! I dragged a bottle around til I found someone to price check it, and correct it! But alas, it was not to be. PB really did go from $6.99 to $10.99 recently, or at least Kraft PB did. I put it back and bought the Skippy since it was "only" 8.79 but it still hurt.Then it hurt more when they wouldn't even deign to EAT my $8.79 PB. After a couple of days of PBlessness, Lovey cracked and ate it. It definitely tastes different and I also prefer the Kraft but at $10.99, we're just going to have to suck it up and get used to a different brand.

Or are we??? Coupon Kelly is very resourceful! and I've banded together with other cheapskates thrifty moms who are on the lookout for deals and great coupon finds. Someone alerted me to a sale at the grocery store that started today. I made sure to stop in today as once this news gets out, the store will get swarmed and the shelves will be emptied! So, usually I pay $6.99 for 2kg but due to the peanut shortage, prices have soared to $10.99.  In the midst of this international emergency state of affairs, I managed to get the brand I wanted at LESS than the usual price. Oh yeah, I DID!!!!!!!!! That's how I roll :)))

ok, drumroll please................................. $2.99/KG

Thank you. Thank you very much. :)))

so we should be set for a couple months at least and hope peanut stocks rebound by then!

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