Monday, February 27, 2012

Mr. Bojangles Visit!

We  had a visitor recently!!! Uncle Andrew brought Mr. Bojangles to hang out with us while he was off to a race. The girls were so excited to see him and hovered over him the whole time. He got skis for Christmas so we all went out after lunch to give it a try. He'd only been out once but was doing pretty well til we got to a ditch and had to go down into it to follow the trail. Once he saw a crack in the snow, he freaked out! He was sure the crack was going to swallow him whole. I managed to distract him a bit but he cried and laid down and insisted he wanted to go HOME!!!!  and he was not referring to our place! I didn't want to end it with him being so upset so I got him up and going and we caught up to the girls but then had to turn around and go back the same way. It didn't go over very well but we got past the gaping maw of earth & ice and raced Sweetie and passed her and that made him pretty happy. Sweetie on the other hand, was loudly insisting that she DIDN'T WANT to race. I sent Murray back to zip her lip so I could keep Mr B on track. I skied with him standing between my skis and braced him so he couldn't tip. On the way out he was scared of every little dip in the field. On the way back we flew down a long slope with him saying "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! FUN!!!!" That's how roll ;)))

They all played outdoors for quite awhile once they were in the yard. A little army of snowmen was created, a fort got started and then abandoned when the hot chocolate came out!

After supper it was movie night and we'd recorded The Princess Bride the night before but Mr. B kept saying "No, I hate that movie!" I tried to jazz it up, and told him there were pirates and sword fights..... "I hate sohdfights!" Well not ten minutes later, he runs into the kitchen with a Nerf sword, asking "Sweetie!!! want to have a sohdfight????" I said "hey! you hate sword fights remember???" He looks at me and then back at Sweetie. "Sweetie, you want to have a light sabre fight???"

I told them to go clean up the disaster they'd turned our living room into and all 3 girls trooped in and got to work. Mr. B trotted off downstairs so I went down and asked him to go give them a hand. He quickly explained "I didn't touch any of that stuff" with a complete deadpan expression. So much so that I had to scan back to them playing that afternoon to make sure I really had seen him playing up there! Oh yeah, he was! I sent him up but was laughing too hard to seem very authoritative about it! He helped them out anyway though.

Lovey had an altercation with Honey a week before. It was at bedtime and Lovey had been arranging her blankets "just so" when apparently Honey touched Lovey's bed, infuriating her and she lashed out and hit Honey. No blood just hurt feelings but Lovey had brought down both fists on Sweetie's head a few weeks before that for something else and had gotten her screen privileges revoked for a week that time. This time Murray upped it to 2 weeks so Lovey wasn't allowed to watch the movie. Instead she & Mr. B played upstairs while we were downstairs. She played with him and the stuffed animals. Then she took him to her room and they curled up in her bed while she read him stories. I think she'll be a good babysitter, as long as no one messes with her stuff!

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