Saturday, March 17, 2012

Glamour Posing!

I spent a weekend on a Glamour workshop and learned lots of ways to position and place people for optimal shape and to minimize areas we don't like and enhance stuff we do! It was amazing to watch what this woman can do for you BEFORE she touches anything in Photoshop. I saw her website before and afters and thought she'd done some heavy handed trimming. Then she showed us the images straight off the camera and jaws dropped! The girls who got photographed at the workshop were shocked at how she'd captured them. Of course it helps to have your hair and makeup done professionally but I thought I'd try out one of Sue's moves on myself the other day.

In case you can't tell, I did NOT have the benefit of a professional touch up before or after clicking the shutter. Check out the difference in the width of my face! Cool or what???

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