Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello Puppy!

(Honey's on camera duty!)

The girls had a great time at the sleepover and were excited about the new dog. Sweetie had mentioned several times " I just can't wait to see that puppy!!!" The dog was really good with them and they let him check out their toys. Even BUNNY. He kept grabbing Bunny in his teeth and dragging it away which I would have thought would release the screaming demons but when Grammie started to take it back , Sweetie told her "that's ok Grammie, he likes Bunny and it makes him happy so he can have it for awhile." Luckily he didn't love it enough to take a piece out of it :)

We got home Saturday afternoon and I finished putting the dessert together and we waited for Flowergirl to arrive!!!!!! Her brother gave her a lift out to our place and he & his girlfriend stayed to visit a few minutes. Flowergirl brought her friend from uni with her and they stayed for supper. Knowing residence meal plans leave a little to be desired, I planned a big roast beef dinner and they ate well! We had mashed potatoes, bourbon yams, yorkshire pudding, beans & carrots, gravy and the roast of course with the piece de resistance for dessert: Toblerone cheesecake!!!!! Luckily I'd told them to wear their eating pants!

The girls were disappointed with they realized that Flowergirl & friend were not staying overnight. Sweetie was so put out that she wouldn't even give hugs & kisses when they were saying goodbye.

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