Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Hangin' Around

Well Tarzan, eat your heart out! You got nothin' on our jungle mister! Our resident knot expert, Sweetie, decided to put the new skipping ropes from Nanny & Grampy to good use. She tied them to the upper part of the banister in the stairway and started swinging on them. Yep.

As you can see, she took plenty of safety precautions by using three separate ropes to distribute the weight & not have to rely on just ONE. All very sensible & practical.

I'm not sure whether I was more horrififed, amazed or impressed.

I mean, you can obviously tell she knows what she's doing. Look at that grip! that form!

Skipping ropes have now been removed and will not be accessible until they actually learn to skip (although how they'll accomplish this without the ropes, I'm not sure!)


pastaman said...

Kids look like they are having fun.
I want one of those in my house for me to swing on!! :)

KelMur & Co. said...

who are you pastaman???? have we met?

Unknown said...

We called her the Barron for a reaon! That is very impressive and actually looks like a lot of fun!

Sorry Kel, all I can do is laugh!! But deep down there is sympathy - I know Bo will think of lots of creative things to do to 'amaze' me. (He was standing on the old tv to try to reach the new tv buttons)