Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stink Sisters

Oh MY LAND! the stuff they come up with when they're playing!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweetie decided to cash in some beans for a bath by herself. Ok no problem. Tub filled, colour of your choice, here you go. She is insistent that she wants to wear her bathing suit in. Welllll, not the norm but, no harm, so go for it. In she goes. She floats, she spins around and enjoys doing whatever the heck she feels like doing without being crowded or bumped. After awhile, Lovey comes peeking in. She manages to convince Sweetie that it would be more fun if they were BOTH in there. Sweetie agrees so in goes Lovey sans bathing suit. I go to check on Honey and she's still watching TV, then she runs in to see what's going on in the bathroom. She's pretty sure Lovey's up to something. She comes back to report that Sweetie let Lovey in the tub too but doesn't want her in there. I tell her that she can go in with them. She goes back in to tell them but is back really quickly.

Honey: Mumma!!!!!! omigosh, they're playing STINK SISTERS in THERE!
Me (trying to keep a straight face): well what is THAT????
Honey: they stick their bums up in the air and show each other
Me (abandoning all pretense of seriousness and giggling madly): well that sounds kind of silly!
Honey: and then they pretend to make fart noises!!!!!!!!!!

This I have to see. I go back in & sure enough, Stink Sisters are hard at work. They're on their hands & feet and tiny pale little bottoms sticking up as high as they can. They are SOOOOOOOO lucky I didn't take the camera in there. Some day they will thank me for the incredible restraint I have shown today.

Apparently, Honey isn't in the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em camp", as she decided to just sit & play in the water like a normal child. :)

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