Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weird Weather!

We woke up to beautiful snow falling (unless you ask my cousin Ryan, who's in the plowing business and a little sick of the stuff) and making everything all fluffy white & purty. By the time I got home from church it had stopped and things were warming up slightly.

The girls stayed home with Murray this morning as they're still verrrrrrrrrry tired by the end of the day & we had an outing planned and didn't want them all wiped out & cranky before we went.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Honey was up in the middle of the night, sick to her stomach again. This is her 4th time since mid January, poor thing! So i was up with her several times and Murray got her some too. By 7am I was wiped and barely even registered the other two waking up. Murray got up with them, despite being somewhat exhausted himself. I dozed on, totally out of it for another couple of hours. When I dragged my butt out to the kitchen, Murray looked like he felt AWFUL. His headache was still raging and he was tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. I sent him back to bed and phoned his mum to get some "talk Murray into going to a doctor" strategy tips. She wasn't home but phoned me back a couple of hours later (Murray was still asleep!) and she agreed he should get some medical attention. Now to convince him of that! When he finally woke up around 1pm, I told him his mother thought he should see someone. He said "yeah. ok." I almost fell over. This guy hasn't gone to a doctor since we had to have physicals done when we were applying for adoption in 2003 (that I can remember, and going for stitches from hockey incidents doesn't count). We got ready to drive him to the walk in clinic but when we got there, they were full & not taking anyone else. Instead we dropped him off at the ER.

We were supposed to go for supper at my parents' but I had no idea when Murray would be finished and we couldn't go today because of our outing and Dad hadn't seen the kids for a couple weeks with all the sickness going on so I decided to take the kids up there & come back for Murray & then planned to take him up once he got done. The kids found this arrangement very strange but very appealing! Dad met me at the highway exit & saved me a bit of driving and the kids piled into his car quite happily and off they went.

With no one at home, I took advantage and slept for 2 hours. NOT. I was actually super productive! I vacuumed everywhere upstairs, mopped the kitchen, bathroom, entryway and the downstairs bathroom and cleaned the rest of the bathroom too. I don't know the last time I got so much done in one day and I am certain this is the first time my floors have EVER been mopped twice within the span of one week. (I know Kate from Jon & Kate +8 used to do hers a couple times a day at least but that ain't my style!) I had also opened all the windows to get some fresh air in and hopefully lots of germs out! I was so excited about my fresh clean house! Murray got done a little after 5 at the hospital and went across the street to get his prescriptions filled (mmmmm codeine & antibiotics! or "happy pills" as he calls them now).

The kids were doing fine at M&D's and they offered to bring the kids back since Murray & I weren't going to make it to supper so that was a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge help. Thank heaven for my parents' willingness to go the extra mile for us. You guys are tooooooooooooooo good to us! :) You should get a prize or something. (let me check with my sponsors and see what I can come up with....) The kids were pretty wiped & we tucked them into bed in a hurry and they zonked out in no time.

Murray didn't get any kind of diagnosis at the hospital but they took a swab of his throat gunk and ordered blood work so we'll see that that says in a couple days. His meds are agreeing with him though and he's been off to bed early each night. Without the headaches, he's sleeping much better and that's got to help! He's also coughing a lot less and that's an improvement for both of us. Getting a full blast of that in the face in the middle of the night is nowhere man.

This afternoon we took the kids to a live show at the theatre downtown and they enjoyed it! Honey was the most into it, out of her seat and dancing along etc. Lovey followed along a bit but kept asking when we could leave. Honey's face just shone with the excitement of it all. Sweetie sat in her seat and watched the whole thing and didn't start asking to go home until almost the end so that was good! LOL

After supper it was still nice & fairly warm out so we all went outside for some sunshine and fresh air. It feels like we have barely seen the sun in weeks so this was a nice treat. Murray felt so good that he did a little driveway clean up (don't worry, only a bit of slush near the road). Everyone enjoyed the time outside and they came in & got ready for bed without incident. I didn't want to push it as tomorrow's a school day!
It was raining a bit when we got home and the kids were excited to be able to use their umbrellas but by the time we finished supper, the rain had stopped. They had their hearts set on using them though so they took them out anyway. They had a blast holding these & sliding down the snowbanks on their bums.

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