Monday, December 7, 2009

Discovery Toys: Fashion Friends

A friend of mine from playgroup recently became a consultant for Discovery Toys. She's off to a great start & is getting the word out about her business. She asked me to try out a toy with the girls and do a write up about it. Here goes!

The product we got was called Fashion Friends and before ever getting that box in my hands, I was pretty sure it would be a hit. It's a set of interchangeable figures, clothes, hairstyles and accessories. What's not to like right???

Right away there were a few things I liked:
  1. it came with its own container & lid for storage (unlike a certain other little doll & her bazillion accessories)

  2. there were enough bodies to go around, most things come with one or two dolls, this has 4 complete dolls plus outfits & hairstyles to spare. Each of my girls could have her own and still be able to mix and match without starting WWIII by taking her sister's stuff.
  3. the pieces are bright, colourful and there is a lot of variety

Now more importantly, what did THEY think????? They were wild to get into that purple box. As soon as they spied it sitting on the counter, a relentless stream of requests began. Can we open it? Can we open it now? Is it time to play with those yet???? They were just about foaming at the mouth! Then today after school, it was the first thing they asked about when they got off the bus! They whipped through their homework at lightning speed to be able to get at those dolls.

I tried doing a little interview once they'd been playing a bit & got some good feedback!

Me: Do you like this toy?
Them: I LOVE it! I've always wanted this!!

Me: What makes this a good toy?

  • You can change SO many things!
  • this girl has freckles & I really like freckles
  • it's easy to change the pieces
  • tell the lady I REALLY like the purple one
Me: Are there enough choices?

  • YEAH! lots of choices! Oh! I need to change my hairstyle. You can really put a different one, you don't have to just pretend it! You can just take it off, there's lots of them!
  • I love how this girl looks!
  • You can change everything of her parts!
They also liked the variety of the options and being able to make a doll that they felt looked like themselves.

I explained to them that we were testing out this toy so we could let people know if we thought it was a good one or not and Lovey (in red) piped right up: Raise your hand if you think this is a GREAT TOY!!

As you can see, Fashion Friends gets 3 hands up from this group (or 4 if you count mine behind the camera!!)

If you are interested in getting your own Fashion Friends or other Discovery Toy products, email me at and I'll hook you up with the consultant.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Wow, what a write-up.
I think Grammie might be inclined to order one.