Saturday, August 21, 2010

Backwards Halloween. It's new....

The girls are on a real entrepreneurial kick lately. They thought the iced tea stand was so successful that they want to sell more stuff! On Friday they wanted to do the iced tea again but it wasn't a very warm day. Then they decided they'd sell hot chocolate but it wasn't really cold enough for that. Then they spied a grocery bag full of misc candy from birthday parties, golf tournament etc. and is more than they're ever going to get around to eating! I thought it would be great to get rid of some but didn't really want them asking for money for everything. I suggested that since they hadn't paid for the candy that it might be better to share it with others rather than sell it. So they decided to go door to door, giving it out. At first they each wanted their own bag but Sweetie wanted to be able to hold Bunny so left hers at home and pulled Bunny in the wagon instead.

and they were off! People were home at most places we stopped and got quite a kick out of their visitors bringing them a treat. I was afraid people wouldn't want to take their candy from them but everyone except a couple of ladies out for a walk, were more than willing to partake of the proffered goodies. One guy asked for a second tootsie roll for a bedtime snack! In the end they still had more treats than any 6 year old needs but they enjoyed the outing and felt pretty good about sharing with the neighbours.

We were a few doors down when suddenly someone popped out of the bushes to see what we were doing. Everyone was surprised to see PW!

Grammie came this Friday and I was able to go for groceries alone! What a treat. Most things about having the girls home for the summer has been great. The only part I mind & find tricky is having company on the grocery run. It was nice to get our food without so many hands in the cart and so many bits of advice on what to get! Mum brought these new outfits for them and they had them on before I was even out the door!

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