Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Improvements, Repairs & Maintenance...

are going to be the death of us! The good news is that we have a repaired deck, one newly painted garage, a new timing belt on the car, a new & installed kitchen faucet, repaired toilets & enough water pressure so we can operate our shower again and a tub spout that no longer drips water all over the floor and a brand new well pump to give us decent water pressure. Guess what the bad news is? I'll give you a hint, it has several zeroes in it!

Starting off the summer we thought we'd get the deck fixed up and hire my aunts who were raising money for their mission trip. It seemed like a nice little project, it needed doing anyway and they needed some extra income. That all went pretty well so I thought we should get the garage painted too. Then the car went in for service, then our water pressure suddenly disappeared and we had to call the plumbers in.

On the weekend some guy backed into me and did some minor damage to the car (no one hurt and no kids with me) so now I have to take that in to get checked out and I'm really hoping this incident doesn't cost us anything!!!!!! but I'm not sure how the deductible works.

On a more positive note, doesn't my garage look fabulous?????

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