Friday, February 7, 2014


The other night at bedtime, there was the usual chatter after lights out. I was about to tell them to settle down when I heard another loud voice:

"Hey! Guys! Be quiet, I'm trying to get to sleep but I need to have the last sentence!"

So. Yeah. What she said. Oh that girl! "the last sentence" indeed!!!!

Wii like to party!

We had a family fun night at church tonight and everyone played Wii Just Dance! Special thanks to the A/V guy who made it all possible! Without him, it would have been a disaster as none of us knew how to hook the Wii to the projector, to the stereo with the tv cart thing....

We brought Acorn and Boo with us and they all danced the night away. Everyone fell asleep without much fuss when we got home so that's always a sign of a good night out!

Produce Loving Puppy

Nothing brings this guy running faster than the noise of a knife on a cutting board! He hovers and waits whenever I'm cutting anything up! He loves getting pieces of fruit, vegetable peelings or any other produce snack! He salivates for this stuff! It's helping keep the garbage down since our compost bin is full and frozen but I'm afraid to let him have too much. I don't know how much fibre a puppy tummy can handle!

Overscheduled Saturday!

Another busy weekend! Saturday started off early! Honey and Lovey had an out of town game so we were up and on the road with hardly any sleep in! They'd all gone for a sleepover at Aunt Cathy's the night before so I'm sure they got to bed at a decent hour to make sure they'd be rested up for their game! 

While they were there, Murray and I went night skiing but the trails were quite icy in places which made the hills a bit of a challenge. We had to take our skis off and walk in some sections, too risky!

Grammie & Grandad picked Sweetie up from Aunt Cathy's and spent the afternoon with her and got her to gymastics. 

The hockey game was pretty intense and exciting (this says a lot coming from the worst hockey mom ever!) They were up against the best team in the league, on their turf, with only 7 skaters (each shift should have 5, I think? Did I mention the WHME thing I've got going on???) and this team had only hadn't lost a game all season and had only had 2 goals against them! Things were not looking to be in our favour! Early in the game we got the first goal! Getting on the scoreboard at all with this team is quite an accomplishment and now our team had done it a second time! Then there was a second goal for us. All the parents in the stands went nuts (well Murray clapped exhuberantly so that's close!) Then the other team got a goal in the 2nd period and things got tense. Our girls were skating their guts out, and not getting much chance to catch their breath between shifts! We worried they wouldn't be able to maintain their energy to fend the other team off and they'd soon be all over the goalie. We needn't have feared, not only did they keep them off the goalie, they were down in the other end most of the game and the opponents rarely got a shot on our goal. They held the 2-1 lead the rest of the game. They came off the ice exhausted and red in the face but so happy and proud of this accomplishment!!!

My friend Stacy's father passed away rather suddenly last week and the visitation was the same day and in the same town as the hockey game. The game finished just before 1pm so they dropped me off at the funeral home and went for lunch while I got in line to pay my respects. It's been a little while since I"ve seen Stacy but we keep in touch. Back in the day, I was at her house all the time. I was there so much that I remember addressing her parents as "Mom" and "Dad". There was never a time that I came through the door, stayed for a meal, slept over, hung out for hours on end that I didn't feel welcome and part of the gang. Now that I'm a mother of 3 myself (as was Stacy's mom), I realize how big a deal it is to have extra kids coming over, staying for hours on end, eating your food and doing it several times a week. My parents moved after I finished highschool and I was never back in town and have never been back to Stacy's house, but I remember those days fondly. As a teenager, having 2 homes where I was welcome, loved and safe was priceless. Due to my disappearing act, her mom didn't know who I was until I told her my name and then it was all hugs and smiles as she gestured towards the casket asking "can you believe THIS?!?!?" Stacy's dad was always a big strong, lumberjack tough type of guy! So for him to be gone really is unbelievable. They found out he was sick over the Christmas holidays, that he needed an operation on Jan 16 and then things went wrong and he passed away on the 29th. He was only 65 but if the slideshow was any indication, he packed a lot of quality living and loving into that time. Seeing all the images really hit home how important our photos are! 

After the visitation, I started walking, passing old familiar streets and shortcuts I used to take home from school. So strange to be a grown up in those places now. I realized how much I used to walk back then. Anywhere we went was pretty much on foot around town! Where I live now, there's nowhere to walk to since we're out in the boonies. Murray & the girls finished their lunch and picked me up and I got something to eat and we got home in time to eat dinner at our house and then have movie night with Grammie and Grandad! The funeral was the next day so Grammie stayed over so we didn't have to take the girls with us. (Lifesaver!) Murray taught Sunday school and then we hit the road and the weather was good so we made excellent time and were able to get a seat in the main room. It was a packed house and I believe the overflow room was full also. Stacy spoke at the funeral and did an amazing job and had everyone laughing at her recollections. I cried extra hard to fill in for our other close friend Stacey who lives out of province and couldn't be there. 

I was really glad I could make the trip and be there. Murray was anxious about hockey practice so he made sure I didn't visit too long! I had let the coach know what was going on and that we might be late but Murray had us home with just enough time to get to the rink. Honey was running a fever and not feeling well at all so she staysed home but Lovey made it to practice.

At supper we were talking about planks and the girls mentioned they had to do them in gym class. Murray was intrigued, what was a "plank" anyway??? I tried to interest him in doing a 30 day plank challenge a few weeks ago and he wasn't interested. Then he finds out even the kids are doing them and he's all over it! Here he is challenging Sweetie to a plank off! She won but was very sore the next day!

Lovey on KP

After drawing for jobs one day last week, Lovey got the "cook a meal" option. Usually we plan the week's meals and each girls picks something they'd like to make. This didn't happen this week and I made the list myself. When I told her she'd be testing out a new meatball recipe she was almost mad enough to quit! However, that would mean folding laundry or possibly vacuuming instead, a fate worse than death pretty much. Meatballs it was!

Once she had all her meats and spices mixed, things started looking up. The smell was so enticing, she couldn't wait to get them in the pan to cook! They were actually a hit with everyone except Sweetie, who ate 1.5 and then refused to have another bite and preferred to be left at the table til 8pm rather than eat the mandatory bits! Somebody was a little hungry at breakfast the next morning!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Clay Commotion

Talk about a ruckus! I was making supper last night when things went nuts downstairs! There was general mayhem and screeching that could have raised the roof! This isn't unusual so we usually let them have it out and step in if it gets out of hand. After awhile Honey & Sweetie came upstairs, visibly upset, tear stained cheeks and the whole nine yards. Murray came back with a report, everything had erupted over a clay figure that Lovey had made. Sweetie said she thought she might have been holding the clay bird and that the beak might have fallen off accidentally and that she forgot to tell Lovey it had happened. Apparently the beakless wonder had been discovered by Lovey and a fury like no other came over her and she flew into full banshee mode and that's when the screaming and yelling and throwing started. She decided she'd destroy THEIR clay animals and sent them flying around the room and proceeded to carry on like that for much longer than I'd have expected. It was at least half an hour but not quite an hour I think. We knew there would be no talking to her or reasoning with her so we decided to let her rage herself out. She passed out on the couch from sheer exhaustion I think but lasted through much of our supper! When she woke up she was calmer and went right to bed.

Pre teen is taking a toll on us, heaven help us when they're all full blown hormonal!!!