Friday, April 29, 2011

Medal Round

Lovey got a medal for her violin playing! She did a duet with another student and they scored high enough to earn medals. We got to listen to lots of other students and it was a pretty good concert! Lovey was very excited to go up for her medal and was proud to wear it!

Royal Watchers

I've been looking forward to checking out the Royal Wedding. I didn't realize how interested I was until I jerked awake yesterday morning at 5:50, hopped out of bed, ran downstairs, scanned the channels madly, getting desperate when I couldn't find ANY coverage!!! I checked news sites, I googled and got frustrated. The most annoying was some site that hadn't updated their countdown clock properly and was still showing that there was a whole day plus an hour before the ceremony started. What on earth were THEY thinking?!?!?!? I went back & forth from the TV to the computer a few times before I realized it was only THURSDAY!!!!

I did find a channel that was doing some coverage of the lead up and showing the main players in the big day. Lovey wandered down to see what I was doing and sat with me & listened avidly as I told her who everyone was, how they were related to the Royal family or the bride etc. When we went up to wake her sisters & have breakfast, she looked up at me with her big eyes and said "Mummy will you wake me up to watch the wedding tomorrow????!!!!?????"

Last night they all picked out their clothes & put them out on the couch so they could get dressed while they watched. I wasn't sure if they'd actually get out of bed when it was time today. I came down ahead of them & made sure I had the right channel and put the fire on to warm up the room. At 6:15, I went up to call them and all 3 popped out of their beds in an instant and downed their breakfast in record time and flew down the stairs.

We admired all the gorgeous hats, fascinators and outfits (well, the reindeer antler look alike, not so much). We were anxious to see THE dress!!! Finally we got a peek of Kate in the car on her way to the church & thought she was absolutely beautiful!!!!!

There was time to see her come into the church, go up the aisle and a bit of the ceremony before they had to go catch their bus. They were quite put out to have to leave before seeing the couple ride off in the Royal carriage but left without a fight. (once I promised to record the rest!!!)

I remember watching Charles & Diana get married when I was 10 and it was so much fun to share the excitement of this Royal Wedding with my girls :)))

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Celebration Time!

Mumma's birthday was on the weekend and we doubled up on the Easter dinner to have her birthday party. Turkey dinner AND birthday cake???? That's a win win situation for me!! I looooooooooooooove turkey dinner and it's more rare than birthday cake but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying the cake equally!

After dinner we went outside and ran the kids around a bit but things started to go downhill after the extreme sugar rush of the candy earlier in the day and we had to bail on the party before things got uglier. I think Bunny & Baby Pinecone had an ok time though! You see, it's Bunny's birthday too. She came on Sweetie's first Easter and every night, in her prayers we hear "Dear God, thank you for the Easter Bunny that gave me Bunny and please help her not to fall apart". (we occasionally get a mention but Bunny's in there 100%)

Although Bunny has now been with us 6 years, Sweetie has decided that she's really only 3! So Happy Birthday to Grammie/Mumma AND Bunny :)))

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday Night's Alright For....Burning!!!

We've been gathering up brush, fallen tree limbs etc for awhile and piling it up in the firepit. This logically prompts the girls to ask a million times a day "when are we going to have a bonfire!!!?!?!?!????" We finally decided to invite some people over and fire it up on Friday night.

Teena, Dale & Boo came for supper & we bbq'd and Teena brought a yummy salad and some wine. Murray asked me to pick up some Dutch beer at the liquor store the day before so we were well stocked for those looking to imbibe. I am not well versed in anything alcohol related and always have trouble at the liquor store!!! First I wandered around wondering where they were hiding all the beer and eventually found it. Then I hit the jackpot when I realized there was a section for imported beer AND a 4-pack was only $3.51!!! I thought alcohol was more expensive than that and imported beer even pricier! At that price, I bought two boxes, woohoo, I love a good deal! Imagine my mortification when I get to the checkout and buddy scans in EACH bottle at $3.51. Doh! Nevermind, it's a party right? Totally worth it!

Unfortunately for us, it was wet weather the day before and the bonfire was a good long while getting underway! Once they actually had their bonfire party underway, the kids quickly changed there chant to "when are we going to have the s'mores Mumma?????"

After supper, Tulip & her parents joined the party and the kids were having a blast running around playing, climbing the fence, gathering dry grass and twigs to try to get the fire going. R-guy also dropped over and was a good forager of dry & flammable substances. That really seemed to do the trick, along with the 5 gallon jug of mixed gasoline! Now that's a FIRE!

Around 8:30 we wrangled the hyped up kids into the house, pried the melted, dried marshmallow bits off their faces, brushed as much sugar off their teeth as possible and fired them into bed.

A great night with great friends and a good time had by all!