Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sale Weekend!

My Moms of Multiples (MOMs) group had their clothing sale this weekend. It's an all consuming event that I organize. For the most part, it's not too bad, I sort of have a system and keep as much the same from one to the next so I can re use as much of the material as possible. This one was a little more challenging since I was away the weekend beforehand, Murray was away a few days this week and all 3 kids were sick. Anyway, it's all over now and I'll be sleeping well tonight! I always get all hyped up, half excited, half nervous. Everything went well and we had more stuff for sale and more shoppers than ever so I'm really pleased. It's awesome to work with a bunch of people who all lead this crazy MOM life (the "I'm so busy" excuse just doesn't cut any grass in this group!) and to pull off an event like today is quite an accomplishment. I don't know what I'd do with out my family though either. What if Mum didn't come in to keep the kids the day before so I could run and check our location & drop off some of my stuff. What if Murray was one of those triplet dads who don't help out with the kids or the house? If I didn't have all this support, I wouldn't be able to do half the things I do.

Back to Murray's race for a minute! Boston weather was pretty rotten with alot of rain, flood warnings and wind against him the whole route. With all the demands of the kids (and me!), his training isn't as extensive as it used to be and his time wasn't quite as good as it was the first time he did Boston. He finished in 3 hrs and 21 minutes. I could spend that long just coming up with reasons why I don't want to go for a run! Even though it wasn't his fastest race I still think running this marathon is a huge accomplishment, period! Way to go Rocket Man, you did us proud!

Ok, so once the sale was over & we'd packed up & cleaned out. I had to rush home and get Murray & the kids ready to go back downtown for a family picture for the church directory. Murray did the baths before I got home so we just put clean clothes on them & jumped in the car. The photo session went not too badly considering the kids haven't been feeling well this week. We got a family shot they could use for the book but nothing that was worth $55 for one 8x10!
The girls did seem to have a bit more energy than they've had lately. Murray said they were whining a lot but not sleeping all day. He probably could have stood to have had a bit more napping going on while he was here fending for himself today though!

When we got back home it was still beautifully warm out so we had our first BBQ of the season. So nice!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where did that FLU come from???

Well! how about a little barf fest? I got home last night from my meeting to find the flu had hit town. So much for my well laid plans of last minute prep for the clothing sale this weekend. Then a few hours later Honey got in on the spewing action and then also started having trouble with the other end too. It was quite a night with the occasional 20 minute lull to get some shut eye. Thursday morning fun with Shirley was cancelled due to the germfest. Most of the day was spent cleaning up messes from somebody or rushing them to the bathroom to try and avoid a mess. Lovey was feeling better as she'd been sick on the weekend but is still having trouble with the back end & had to be hosed down at least twice today. Luckily they all had really long naps this afternoon so I'm hoping that the rest will help speed them to recovery.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hiding Out in TVland now complete!

A belated Easter at my parents.

Bunny cones were a big hit!

Woohoo new 'crocs' (from the dollar store!)

The treats my mum can find!

After my awesome weekend of scrapbooking I was happy to come home and see my girls. Mum had looked after them overnight while Murray was on his way to Boston with Rick. Being the brave woman I am, I decided to pack up and move to my mummy & daddy's for one night! With the wrotten weather yesterday, one night turned into two and then I didn't have to do anything on my own at all. I am such a coward! Would 2 nights on my own have killed me???? Maybe not, but I never was much of a gambler so why find out???? : ) Besides, all grandparents love sleepovers with kids who like to holler random stuff in the middle of the night right??

The girls loved their trip to TVland and didn't want to come home this morning at all. Dad helped me pack our stuff in the car & get the kids settled & we still barely made it to our 11am music class.

Thanks M&D for letting us stay there, hope it wasn't too much of a pain. Feel free to comment and tell everyone what a joy it was.... ; )))

Happy Birthday Aunt Mandy!

Aunt Mandy is celebrating a big milestone this year I think. Have a great day Man, hope there's lots of cake involved!! (and presents too of course! What on earth would you do without those???)

Exactly How Deep is YOUR flush?

Hah! I bet you don't know do you??? Wanna know how to find out? Oh the things the triple trouble girls can teach you!! First, have one of your sisters distract your mother with some mess in the kitchen. While she's occupied with that, run to the bathroom and flush your toy tape measure!
After a couple days of the toilet just not flushing properly & both Murray & I about to be absent over the weekend, we decided it was time to call in the professionals. I was cleaning up breakfast in the kitchen when I hear the two men cracking up in the bathroom. "Is that a GOOD SIGN?" I ask. "Well we've never seen this one before!" they answer. I'm not sure how often these guys get photographed doing their job but I just couldn't resist & they didn't seem to mind!
Home Depot Tape Measure: $2.25
1 hour with Two Plumbers: $84
Knowing exact depth of crapper: priceless
Discount for most original blockage: $0