Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Little Chef

Sweetie decided she'd like to help me make supper last night & we were having the chicken dinner that I'd planned for Andrew. (Their game schedule threw off that plan, sorry Andrew!)

First, she peeled all of the carrots for me & that went pretty well. Then she wanted another job so I let her have a go at peeling the potatoes. She was very keen & very serious about it. She worked away at the pile and got them all done. perfectly. I did not help her with any or do any peeling whatsoever. I couldn't believe how thorough she'd been!

I told her how impressed I was and she got her sheepish little "tell me more" grin so I kept up the praise. She said "are you astonished Mumma?" LOL yes, I was pretty astonished. Her father's first attempt at peeling potatoes at the age of 28 or 30 wasn't half this good! ;)

About halfway through the potato peeling, she decided she's going to be a chef when she grows up. From now on, I'm to call her every night when I'm getting dinner so she can help me and practice being a chef so she'll be ready when she goes to school for this later.

Once she finished the potatoes, she snapped most of the beans for dinner and while I was checking into Lovey's "pwobwem solving" from that same day (see previous post), Sweetie moved on to another job. When I came back upstairs, she'd gotten a chair, filled up the sink, donned my gloves and started washing the dishes. Apparently chefs don't need practice in this department because she soon got distracted and was filling up the gloves with water, spilling it on the counter & floor etc. I graciously excused her from further duties and thanked her for all the help getting the vegetables done. She was so proud & pleased to tell her father when he got home.

Today she remembered her training plans and came to do more work tonight but it was a cheater night with a cassserole from Nicolle's freezer (yay Nicolle!!!!!!!!!) so there was nothing to do. She made sure I knew she still needed to practice every night though and to make sure I called her tomorrow's meal preparation.

Honey's feeling better & went to school today (stayed home yesterday). She was fairly miserable this afternoon though, cranky about everything, screaming and yelling fits and going around picking fights. She didn't last much past supper time and hopefully a good night's sleep will fix the attitude issues!

The church is having a dessert auction tomorrow night so I baked another cupcake cake and decorated that today and also got some chocolate cheesecake muffins made for the bake table at the clothing sale. Nice to have that out of the way, now to organize all the outgrown clothes & get those all priced & ready to go. So much to do, so little time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

It finally happened.

*sigh* this is not a tragedy. it happens to just about everybody. this is not a big deal. it was bound to happen sooner or later. there are bigger problems in the world. it could be so much worse. it's only temporary.

Ok, having said all that I'm just crushed! Lovey was upset about her bangs being all cockadoodie today and was working herself into a rage when they wouldn't lay down properly. She insisted on the black comb and started wetting it & working on the bangs. They weren't quite complying with her demands & I could hear the beginnings of a big screaming fit starting so I left her to do that and went upstairs.

A little while later, she came & found me and said "Mumma! I fixed the pwobwem!" Keeping a smile on my face was pretty darn difficult. The urge to cry and or laugh was almost overpowering. She was obviously so pleased at having taken care of the issue that I didn't dare tell her any different.

Lovey: "Do you like my haircut Mumma????" (yikes! how do I get around this one without lying!?!?!?!)
Me: you are a beautiful girl! your haircut is very different, I think it's going to take awhile for me to get used to it (whew! dodged another one!)

and she didn't just get the bangs. oh no. she's thorough with her problem solving skills. hacked a little off the top there, took a chunk out of her little ponytail and plenty off the sides. Murray is somewhat impressed at the mullet she's given herself.
Her sisters had no qualms about giving it to her straight.
"Your hair is BAD!" " I don't like it" etc but she didn't seem upset with their comments.
They were upstairs quietly playing dress up with some new clothes that Shooter Shelley gave me that her daughter had outgrown while Lovey Scissorhands was at work downstairs.
I'm not sure how long Lovey's going to like her new haircut. I'm curious to hear what happens when we get to school tomorrow, or even when I'm trying to do her hair in the morning. She's already mentioned something about wanting it to grow back.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend? What? It's OVER??????/

I can't believe Monday's on the horizon again already! Time flies when you're having fun right?
I got to spend lots of time hanging out with Mr. Bojangles so that's fine by me. He's so darn cute! Although it's not really all that long ago, I can't seem to remember many specifics from when the girls were that age. What were they doing, eating, playing at 18 mths???? No clue. Seriously. I'd have to scroll back through much blogging to find out and it's late & I'm tired. l0l

Murray & Andrew were part of an undefeatable team this weekend and won the hockey tournament they were in (or their division at least). Andrew had two shut outs and out of 4 games only let in 2 goals. This was no doubt largely due to the amazing defense skills of his big brother :) They both came home very happy tonight so that's the main thing. Too bad Rick missed it all.... ;)))

I was very impressed with Andrew's departure tonight! He got here & within about 15 minutes had everything in the car & was pulling out of the driveway. No messing around and he didn't forget a thing! I had Mr Bojangles all changed and started on his first bedtime bottle so he just needed his refill & they were set. (it helps to have an awesome SIL like me of course ;)))

Honey's been under the weather all weekend so that sortof slowed things down & limited our options a bit. She stayed in bed sleeping almost all day yesterday and a good portion of toay as well. She's had some fever on and off but nothing over 101. It's hard to believe how much she's gotten sick in the last month and a half. This can only lead to more people being sick later in the week. Hopefully I won't be one of them. Too much going on, I can't afford any downtime this week! Sale weekend is coming up, I have to bake something for the bake table for that plus get something for the church dessert auction to raise money for the Sunday School and for some reason we still only have 24 hours in a day. Can we not get that changed?????????
So having a 4th child for the weekend gave me no urges whatsoever. Andrew wondered if I'd get a hankering but I think I'm still all baby'd out from our early days. The thought of having bottles and diapers and feedings doesn't give me warm fuzzies whatsoever. When you do it our way, you get that stuff once & you're done with it. It seems so bizarre to me that most people have to keep going through all that hard stuff again and again. Every time I hear someone's adding another baby to the family, my first thought is always "oh mannnn they've got to start ALLLLLLLLL over!", as I smile and say "oh how exciting! congratulations!" hee hee! I also find it funny when people get all freaked out when they find out that our girls are all the same age. "Whaaaaaaaat? they're how old? No. what? they're... NO! they're NOT triplets! omigosh, that must be so hard. wow. I have three kids too but.... " My response is now "and what? you spaced yours ALL out? THAT'S CRAZY!!!!" (ok, this is how I amuse myself. I don't get to socialize much ok?)
Now lest you get the wrong idea, Mr Bojangles was no trouble at all! I adore him, I almost cried when he left. The girls doted on him and did anything I asked if it was for him. He was so well behaved. He had a little trouble when dad left him to go to the games but didn't have any long term freak outs. He went to bed like a charm, played nicely with the toys and didn't break or rip a single thing. This is more than I can say for my own crew! and have I told you how cuuuuuuuuute this guy is? No? oh well, then, by all means check out my favourite nephew! :)))

Ok, what's up with Sweetie and the wardrobe selections????
that's my turtleneck shirt she's wearing as a bizarre skirt...
and then there's this:

Now, I had to do some digging to pull up this top photo. It's from August 05, when she was ONE YEAR OLD.

THIS is MARCH 2009, almost FIVE years old now.... HOW is she still able to get on a size 18mths playsuit?!??!!? We do feed the girl. I swear. Anyone who's been to our house for supper can attest to this child's eating habits. She has obviously grown when you compare the two pictures. Admittedly, the suit is getting a bit snug & some of the snaps will come undone when she gets running around. BUT she can put it on AND do up the snaps.

She found it & just had to put it on and was in it all day. She even wanted to wear it to bed but then got too hot with her nightie on top of it.
After the boys got home last night we had a Rockstar party! Murray played guitar, I did vocals & Andrew was on drums. I started out on drums but after our band got booed off the stage 3 times in a row, I get reassigned and only got booed off once after that.
Best line heard during our Guitar Hero/All You Can Eat Junkfood party:
"I don't know. I can only look at my coloured balls right now"
Good times, gooooooooooood times! LOL
Mandy & Karen, your bday presents are en route with Andrew. There is a 2nd present in the bag for Karen (but I forgot to label it). Mandy your 2nd one will come at a later date because it's not ready yet but I think it'll be worth the wait.... at least I hope so!