Sunday, July 7, 2013

Party at Old Nanny's!

Since we inconveniently had their birthday fall on Bridge night, Old Nanny couldn't make it to the party. I think my mother was more disappointed than the kids as she loves seeing Old Nanny's party attire!

Old Nanny threw her own party at her place the next day instead and served up lunch and dessert that I thought was great but some people had a hard time getting down. Surprisingly, it was Lovey who ate the most of the mini beef buns and asked for one to take for her lunch at school the next day! Regardless of what's served, it's done with style and they love sitting at her lunch counter!

A snocone maker is awesome to have in this hot weather! Mmmmm! Sweet, flavourful ice to beat the summer heat! Thank you for all the spoiling Old Nanny! (oh and the free babysitting so I could run to pick up fish for our supper was a nice bonus too! not sure who's more spoiled, me or those girls!!!)

Grade 3 Finale!

Last bus pick up of Grade 3!

The girls had a great year and finished strong. We were so pleased and proud of their glowing report cards. Lovey & Sweetie's teacher said it was an honour to have both of them and the only thing that could have been better would have been to have all 3 in her class. Honey's teacher took a leave for the last couple months of school as part of a pre retirement option so she had Miss A as a supply teacher for the remainder. Their class had a pj party for the last day so that's why she has the wild pants. Acorn wanted in for the photo op!

Once we said our goodbyes & gave the teachers their gifts (homemade chocolate sauce & Chapters money) we headed out for a FroYo lunch. Yep. I totally did. It's dairy & they put some fruit sooooo 2 food groups covered and everybody was full. It's all good :) Actually it was more than good, it was awesomely tasty. For realz. After "lunch" we dropped Acorn off and went to load up on books & join the summer reading program at the library. Honey plans to read 55 & Lovey estimated 40 I think. Being read to counts as 1 and every 15 minutes or 5 chapters also counts. They're well on their way so we'll see how it goes. Actually recording the reading is probably going to be more of a challenge than doing the reading! Sweetie abstained from participating in this so she can read without all the pressure!

After supper, Honey & I headed back downtown to check out the culturefest and got some henna tattoos! A great end to a great kick off to summer vacay!

Happy 9th Birthday Girlies!

After all the anticipation, THE day finally arrived! Lovey had asked me a couple weeks prior: "Mom? do you think this year we could take cupcakes to school on our birthday like the other kids???"

A simple question but man, I wasn't looking for any more jobs that week!!! But on the other hand, it's not their fault they're triplets, if it was one kid, I'd totally send cupcakes on their birthday. I'm always trying to avoid any "injustices" of being a multiple sooooooo one late night of baking & icing won't kill me. Plus, as long as I do it once, they can't say they "never" got to do it right?

So after the pizza supper, prom visit, ear piercing, DQ treats and bedtime shenanigans, I fired up the oven and cranked out 4 dozen cupcakes, let them cool, got them frosted and packed up and went to bed. Since it had been a late evening after the mall trip, I let them sleep in and drove them to school so I could deliver the cupcakes unscathed (48 cupcakes on a bus=disaster). 

The kids got home from school and Grammie & Grandad were here to kick off the celebrations! Shirley was also able to make it to the birthday dinner so we had a quiet meal! Or as quiet as it gets in this place anyway! We had lots of favourites for supper, herb & tomato grilled chicken, Caesar salad, TGIFriday's Potato Skins, potato salad and everyone ate their fill. It was hard work getting that cake in afterwards but we did it!

Present time came up next and they were thrilled with all the gifts! Since we'd just put in the pool, we didn't add much to the pile and kept it simple. Between the grandparents and friends from the birthday party, there were still plenty of gifts around here! They're well loved!!! However, once a year for their birthday, I get them junky cereal and wrap it up. Needless to say it doesn't last long!