Saturday, November 23, 2013

Beginning Hockey!

Despite many requests from the coach, we're still at 2 out of 3 for girl players! Sweetie does like carrying their gear though so she gets in on some of the action that way! The schedule is a bit less hectic this year as they're only playing on one team instead of trying to keep up with a mixed team (boys & girls) and a girls' team. They decided to join a girls' team and are enjoying it quite a bit. We tend to have one practice and one game a week and that feels like plenty to us. They are the only ones who aren't also playing on a mixed team so aren't getting as much ice time as the rest but they don't care.

A couple weeks ago, after reading an email from their coach, began the following conversation:

M: uhhh, how do you feel about 6am practices?
K: (smiling sweetly) Well, I feel like they don't affect me at all. and I feel like you better be really quiet when you're leaving :)))

Honey was with me on that one and enraged herself into a yelling fit over the whole idea and Murray didn't want any part of that at 5am and told her to stay home. Lovey hopped right up when the alarm went and headed to practice with no complaints. Apparently there were quite a few grumbling in the dressing room that day! Lovey was happy to a Tim Horton's muffin on the way to school (got there with a couple minutes to spare!) but was pretty tired by bedtime that day!

Their team has had a few games now and seems to be winning more than not and they're enjoying playing with the other girls and their skating has really improved! There are more away games as there aren't enough local teams to play with but so far it hasn't been too bad. Once the snowstorms start, it might be a different story though!

Me & RBC

For the last few years RBC has hired me to shoot their large gala and it is a blast each time! I get to see lots of people I used to work with, they put me up in a hotel and I get to eat at the fancy dinner during the awards. The organizer greets me with a hug and fusses over whether I've had enough to eat or drink, whether my room is ok and offers me drink tickets for the bar! (sad waste, I know!). It's a pretty cushy job even with the driving time and late hours taken into consideration. The paycheque is a nice perk too!

My friend Alisa used to be head of this department and hired me the first year but has since moved on to another area with RBC but I was able to have a quick breakfast visit while I was in town. She has always been a huge supporter and encourager to starting my business and convinced me my work was worth being paid for. Everyone should have an Alisa cheerleader in their corner to help them K I T (go watch Bowfinger if you want to know where we get that from haha! It got us through some crazy days when we worked at the downtown branch where we met)


You might be a redneck if the bears take your garbage bin for a walk! On our way to the bus stop one morning we found the carnage below. The local bear (bears?) had had quite a night down our road and hit 9 or 10 of these treasure troves of trash along our road. Seeing how easily the bins were knocked out of place and how far they were tossed was more than a little disconcerting and changed our storage practices until the cold weather set in!

Our bin on the left, should actually be up against that grey fence and the bin you see on the right is supposed to be in the driveway on the right, next to the black post! I singlehandedly managed to wrestle both bins back into place. woot woot!

Last Swim!

We had a few nice days this fall and the girls were warm enough to want to jump in the pool to cool off. Honey was first to jump  in and was already turned around and making a beeline for the ladder before she even surfaced! Apparently swimming on Sept 29 is a very effective way to take the heat out of a girl!

(technically I think Murray got the last swim of the year in Oct- just so he could say he did! but there's no proof so we can't guarantee his claim...)


I completely forget what this was about but Lovey certainly lets her sisters get away with murder sometimes!

How many sleeps til tennis???

Somebody (looking sporty with a tennis visor and jaunty high ponytail) is wishing for some court time with some curly, short haired lady... who could that be?!?!?!? :)))

Racing Wrapped Up!

Honey enjoyed the short season of cross country running! Well, most of the time anyway. In one race she got a stitch part way through and had to walk the rest as everyone else passed her. She was so upset to finish last that she skipped the finish line altogether and didn't even want to collect her ribbon. Her other races went well and she improved her standing most weeks. The last race was so bright and sunny (not usually a problem during cross country season!) that I couldn't even see her to take a picture. The photo just below here is of her last race. If you look closely, you might notice her bangs flying in the air behind the girl in the orange shorts. The photographer in me hangs her head! thank goodness this wasn't a paid gig!

One of our post school/pre race picnics. So thankful for nice weather this fall that allowed us to eat outdoors and not have to run home for lunch in between!

So many racers! This was the "stitch" race.

Honey heading for the finish!