I think it will be interesting to see how much they grow from year to year as they stand in this doorway!
Today was the first day of school. I think I was more anxious than the kids. I took awhile to settle down to sleep last night and then wham! 4:54 my eyes opened and I tossed and turned for almost an hour before totally giving up on any more shuteye.
They got ready and we were out on the street in plenty of time for their bus. They were pretty excited and were even good about letting me take pictures. As Honey said "of COURSE there will be pictures!!!" That's my girl!
Waiting, waiting, waiting for the bus....
On we go! (unless you're Sweetie, in which case you'll milk the car ride as long as possible). Honey & Lovey hopped on and didn't even look back!
Sweetie & Bunny on their ride to school. Everyone strapped in safely :)Murray & I got there just as the bus was pulling in so we were able to meet Honey & Lovey as they came off. Right away I noticed that Honey's eyes were red and she looked like she had just been crying or was about to start! She couldn't talk right away so I asked the girl from next door if she'd cried the whole way? "yeah, mostly" she told me. Yikes! I got her inside and asked her what she was upset about and found out that she'd been afraid that the bus was going to take her to the wrong school. "What school did you think it was taking you to???" Since there were many kids older than her on the bus, she was afraid it was the high school bus! I felt bad for her, not a great way to start off, crying all the way to school!We really weren't sure how the drop off would go. This is a big deal, starting school for the first time. Up til last week, they were still adamant that they didn't want to go because no teacher could be as good as Michael from preschool and they were also very upset about being separated. Sunday night they still hated the whole idea. Over the last couple of days, they started to get a bit more excited though.
Sweetie, calm cool & collected in her new classroom!
The school arranges for half the kids to do their first day one day & the other half the next so there didn't seem to be too many kids today but the halls were crawling with parents & cameras! It was a bit tricky going from class to class, making sure each one was finding where they were supposed to be, putting their stuff in the right cubbies and making sure not to neglect anyone. I just ran back & forth from class to class, trying to remember to take pictures of everything. I kept saying "you're OK? OK, I'm just going over to check on your sister & then I'll be back"
They seemed surprisingly fine with the whole thing. I can really see how their year of preschool helped them. They were kind of on their own in the classrooms and they just each found something to play with. Honey's teacher had playground duty so wasn't even inside until after the bell and the others were out in the hallway watching for kids as they arrived, directing the kids & parents etc.
After we'd been there 20 minutes or so, there didn't seem to be anything else to do so we said goodbye to each one and walked out empty handed. We were really worried that Sweetie would have a colossal hissy fit at being on her own but she did soooooo well and didn't even bat an eye when we said we were going. I was expecting to have to peel her off with a spatula!
I think the anticipation and build up were worse than the actual day itself. I was getting teary eyed just thinking about them going off to school without me and thought I'd be a basket case on the actual day. I am struggling with the idea that from now on, I can't control all they hear, see and do. I've run this daytime dictatorship so long that it's hard to stand down and let total strangers take it from here! I'm going to really miss being privy to their conversations and seeing them play but there will still be some of that after school and on weekends. Being out of the loop will take some getting used to....
Today was only a 2hr day so I picked them back up at 10:30 and they were all great! Everyone was happy and Honey burst out "I LOVE school! It's GREAT! It wasn't long enough!!! I can't wait to come back tomorrow!" The other two enjoyed it too but weren't as vocal about it. They all liked their teachers and enjoyed recess and their snack. None of them had anyone that they knew in their class and we knew 6 other kids that are starting kindergarten there! )I scanned the class lists quickly to see if I recognized any names.) Sweetie will have the little girl next door in her class tomorrow when everyone's there for the first full day but I think that's it for familiar faces. There'll be lots of new friends soon I'm sure (or at least I hope so!!!!!!!!!!)
Well I'm very tired from my first day of kindergarten so good night all!!!!!!!! Thanks to all those who called to check on us, who wished us well & those who prayed we'd have smooth sailing. We appreciate the good thoughts :)))
Well I'm very tired from my first day of kindergarten so good night all!!!!!!!! Thanks to all those who called to check on us, who wished us well & those who prayed we'd have smooth sailing. We appreciate the good thoughts :)))