Friday, March 25, 2011

Lady Godiva Violinist

The kids were pretty wild today, bouncing off the walls kind of wild. The whooping and hollering were all happy noises so I tried to let them be so they could hopefully get it out of their systems!

Murray called Lovey to come down and practice her violin. So she did. 10 points for her immediate response, but we really wouldn't have minded if she'd taken a few extra seconds to finish up what she was doing when he called her!!!!!!!

If that wasn't enough, she starts wiggling her butt in the middle of Go Tell Aunt Rhody!!! Try and keep a straight face with THAT going on why don't you??????

Honey's Latest Milestone!

Well who would have thought that Miss Caution-Watch from the Sidelines would tackle and conquer this one first???? Normally she likes to wait and see how it goes for the others before she takes any risks. I'm not sure what came over her tonight but she was determined. She hasn't totally got it but she's made the most progress so far and is well on her way!

Being able to do short distances with an assisted start is half the battle. I imagine she'll be zooming around in no time. Sweetie had told me she wanted to be the first to ride a two wheeler so I thought she might be upset at seeing Honey doing so well. I was wrong though. Honey called to them to watch her ride by. Afterwards, Sweetie made a beeline for Honey with arms outstretched to hug her calling, "You DID IT Honey! YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and was so proud of her "big" sister's accomplishment.

Honey was really impressed that she was doing it herself. After I let go of the handle, I kept running beside her so she wouldn't notice that I wasn't helping her. Once she realized how much she could do on her own she was surprised, excited and very pleased with herself. She went to bed saying it had been a super duper awesome day!

Once she had a few good runs, we got Murray to come out to help her so I could get pictures. She was so thrilled to show him what she'd accomplished tonight.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Race is On!

Every morning is a struggle to get all 3 girls up, fed, dressed, beds made, teeth brushed, hair done, lunches loaded into backpacks, winterwear ready & everybody out the door in 6o minutes. (tell me that didn't make you tired just reading it!!!)

Honey & Lovey have found it faster to get dressed & then eat breakfast. I'm not sure why it works but it does. They can get dressed, make their beds and finish eating all in the time it takes Sweetie to eat one piece of toast.

One night I went in to check on the girls and noticed that Lovey was half out of her nightie. I thought she must have gotten hot and tried to cool herself off. The next night I suggested a cooler nightie.

L: I like the other one!

Me: but you get so hot in that one. When I checked on you last night, you had it mostly off, you were so warm!

L: (bursting into giggles) that wasn't because I was HOT!!!!!

Me: well what were you doing then you crazy thing???

L: I wanted to get a headstart getting dressed so I can beat Honey!

It's good that she's learning to think ahead right?????

Laughing with Lovey

Oh my word this girl cracks us up! Well they all do on any given day I guess really. It seems that Lovey is really coming out with some gems lately though. Plus, since she rarely eats her supper, she's taken it upon herself to be the comic relief at the dinner table!

One night at dinner, Sweetie was reading the grace out of their prayer book & it was the Johny Appleseed one. At the end, Lovey asked who Johny Appleseed was anyway? We admitted that we really didn't know the full story on him & that we'd have to look him up. A couple days later, Lovey launches into a long explanation of who Johny Appleseed was, where he went, what he did and how he got his name etc. I just looked at her, speechless (well, not for long of course!).

Me: Lovey how did you find that all out?

L: I read it!

Me: do we have a book about him?

L: nooooooo! it was on Daddy's computer.

Me: oh! Daddy looked it up and showed you?

L: no! I did it myself!

Me: WHAT?!?!?!? how did you do that?????

L: welllllll, (btw, this is hands down her favourite word!) I turned on Daddy's computer and typed it in!

Me: you Googled it yourself??????????

L: yes!!!!!! now I'm going to go find some puppy videos!!!!

So there you have it! We have been rendered completely useless as an information source by our almost 7 year old daughter, now a proficient Google user. They're teaching them too much at that freaking school!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bring on the bikes!

ummm, Sweetie???? WHAT are you doing??? Sweetie: I'm being a bridge Mummy!

We're developing an interest in some 2 wheeler action around here! I've been wondering when they'd get to that.

Last weekend, Murray took the training wheels off one bike & we all went down the road but the 2 wheel bike was the slowest going since there are so many starts and stops and we got left behind and my back got sore.

When I was out shopping awhile ago, I noticed the "Bike Buddy" for $20 & decided it wasn't worth it. Then after last weekend, I decided that between the 3 learners I'll be doubled over plenty and $20 didn't seem like such an exorbitant sum afterall! I tried it out tonight and feeling the investment is completely justified.

Sweetie wants to be the first to learn how to ride a 2 wheeler so we'll see how long she's keen on that! Tonight she saw a bottle in the ditch and abandoned all her training plans for the $.05 profit! Lovey & Murray had gone out on the trail a bike to find bottles so Honey, Sweetie & I went out with the little bikes.

As we were heading up to meet Lovey & Murray on their way back, Sweetie was feeling chatty.

S: Mummy?

Me: yes?

S: today I played with toys, then I looked at my book and helped cook supper and now I'm outside getting fresh air and riding my bike! I'm having a healthy day! I wanted to not play my DS so I found other things to do instead.

Me: that's a pretty good day then huh?

S: yeah, I think it's healthier to have some days with no DS!

Me: well it's not a bad thing to play your DS sometimes, but if it's alll you ever do, that wouldn't be healthy.

She's quite a thinker that one!

As far as progress on the 2 wheeler, they're figuring out they have to centre themselves but only hit it occasionally so far and it's pretty fleeting. Early days yet though!