Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Great Kleenex Caper

Ugh! I could barely stand to look at Sweetie's room this morning. She had used 4258 tissues in the night I think! I kept walking by her room today & every time, I just shuddered & kept on going. Finally, after supper, I went in with the garbage can and started cleaning up. As it turns out, most weren't even really used! I folded them back up & put them in a box that we'll keep just for her room.

The world says "get", God says "give"

Last Sunday at church they talked a lot about mission trips and covered the who, what, where & why of it all. Then during Children's Time, Nicolle talked about how much emphasis there is today on getting, having, buying STUFF. Some people from our church recently did a mission trip to the Dominican Republic and worked with the children at a school there. The school is put together with a bunch of sheets of corrugated metal and not much else from the looks of the pictures we saw in the slideshow. We're trying to collect money to put towards building them a new school there. Nicolle gave everyone a jam jar & asked the kids to fill it up with pennies and to bring it back next week. Our jam jar has been sitting on the counter ever since.

Suddenly today, Honey remembered we were supposed to be filling up this jar and wanted to know what we were going to do about it. They remembered all about the kids there & their school needing a new building. I suggested we all get out our money & see how many pennies we had. They weren't too sure about that at first. Then we talked about what we have and how we can share with others who aren't as blessed as we are. They decided they could share some of their pennies and ran to get their banks. I thought I'd get them to put in a few pennies and then raid Murray's can of coin he's had forever for his pennies. The next thing I knew, they were eagerly chucking in ALL their coins! Honey kept saying "we have to fill it up!! we have to fill it up!" For girls that were hesitant at first, they got incredibly generous as they got into it. I suggested we check Daddy's coins for pennies and we put their money away. They helped sort out the pennies from the other coins and eagerly added them to the jar (no hesitation with Daddy's money! lol). We got out my wallet & took all the small coins from there. Our jar's still half empty but we phoned Grammie at her bank today & ordered some more pennies that will hopefully fill the rest. While we were on the phone, they filled her in on what we were doing, who the pennies were for & what they were going to do with the money. Then when Murray got home, they explained it all again for him (he was babysitting Mr Bojangles when we went to church on Sunday).

We've had a few opportunities to participate in something like this, giving to someone else in need & the girls see it so simply! We have, they don't, so share. That's it. How could I not be proud of these kids?????

TipToe Through The...

TULIPS!!!!!!!!! After gymnastics this morning, we went to Tulip's house to play & have lunch. After we ate, they took us for a walk through the flower beds to see the remainders. The season is pretty much over & they're moving on to other blooms. There were still quite a few pretty ones left and since they're pretty much done with them, Penny cut me a huge bunch to bring home to give to my mother! Err I mean, I spent a fortune on that bouquet Mum! ; ) Don't forget to take them home with you when you go tomorrow!

The girls had a great time playing at their house & with all the toys. They managed to sit still long enough to eat some lunch but after that it was play play play!

Eventually I was able to convince them it was time to come home but not til mid afternoon!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another walk

No time for a write up, just some pics from yesterday's walk. Kids all have colds, Murray's is back with a vengeance and they've all managed to start dragging me down with them, Sweetie up all hours last night yelling "I SNEEEEEEEEZED" and then sweetly saying "please, can somebody get me a kleenex please?" until we finally plunked a full box on the mattress beside her at 4am & told her to take it from there. Then I got to sleep uninterrupted until 6:47 when Lovey, living up to her name, crawled into bed with me to cuddle. So sweet but I wasn't in a cozy frame of mind & just rolled over to make space for her & fell back asleep!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Rained Out!

What to do on a sunny Monday? Have a picnic of course! We hadn't visited Grammie & Grandad for a few weeks so I thought it would be fun to take a picnic up to them & meet for lunch. The girls thought it was a fantastic idea so off we went. Only a couple of minor glitches getting out the door and we arrived only a few minutes late with fresh baked cookies no less!
Unfortunately the warm sunny day didn't last & it turned to sprinkles and then to straight rain! On the upside, we did get to try out our new picnic blanket that I got for Mothers Day plus a visit with G&G AND a rousing game of tag. When we stopped in at Grammie's work, the girls all got a sucker and another candy so they considered the whole thing to be a total success, rain and all.

The rest of the day they were giddy & goofy and riding high so we can't ask for more than that!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Progress & Nephewless

The girls & I went to church this morning, leaving Murray in charge of Mr Bojangles. They made out fine here & the girls were great in church (I don't sit with them as I'm in the choir). They went with cousin C and were on their best behaviour!

When we got home we noticed tools & scaffolding in the driveway!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!! Joel came back & he brought an electrician!!! They got all the wiring done & we have 3 electrical outlets, one overhead light, lightswitches & wiring outside for a doorbell & two lights!!!! They also got the closet framed in & all the insulation & vapour barrier done. Verrrrrrrrrry exciting development! I phoned him a couple weeks ago to try & put the pressure on to get back here & finish but I wasn't sure how succesful that was. As he was leaving tonight he said "see you in the fall!" which I quickly scowled at & said NO WAY! His wife is also pressuring him to have it finished up by mid June so I'm holding out some hope that we are going to have a usable entryway SOON.

Mr. Bojangles continued to be entertaining for the girls and we really enjoyed having him! Andrew asked us if it made us want another little baby. I can't imagine going back & starting allllllllll over again. I think people who have their kids all spread out over several years are doing it all wrong. That's just crazy! back to diapers? no way! back to middle of the night feedings? why???? baby proofing? too lazy! He was cute & a lot of fun to play with & cuddle but it didn't give me any yearnings or set my clock ticking. I got my baby fix, maybe even OD'd when the girls were infants!