Thursday, September 13, 2007

only one more sleep....

at least I hope so! I phoned the camera place again today to let them know Rick would be leaving town by noon and asked if that gave them enough time to get the repairs done. They thought it would be ok but never phoned me back. They obviously are looking for an emotional distress lawsuit!!!!!!!!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed though.

Hanging out with my Princesses

We're on a big princess kick this week it seems. We now live in a castle, not a house, which is inhabited by the Murphy Dragon & the Penwiper Wizard all under the reign of Queen Kelly & King Murray with the assistance of Princesses Lovey, Sweetie & Honey. (or Sleeping Beauty or Belle or whatever they're calling themselves on any given day)

Sweetie jumped right into her royal gown this morning, as soon as breakfast was over & had to remove it a few times due to spills but was distraught the entire drying period. Luckily there are 3 of them so when she's not looking, I can swap another one in & say "oh look! It's ready now!". We even had to repair some of the bead work on one of them today as a strand had come loose and was verrrrrrrrrry troublesome for her.

No visitors, no outings today so I wasn't sure how it would go. A long day stretching out in front of us like that is sometimes a bit scary but it went fairly well. A little tv in the morning, a lot of playing in the afternoon, some sandbox time while I did laundry and then we did some work in the garden, trying to get rid of some weeds before winter. They all helped themselves to semi-ripe strawberries and we dug up all our onions. I thought something had got them all but apparently whatever it was only took the tops & left the vegetable intact. They weren't very big though, apparently that green stuff IS important!!

I had choir tonight & made a detour to pick up shower gifts for the double header tomorrow night! Two of my cousins are having babies (they only got one each though, rip off eh?) so we're having a combined shower tomorrow night as one of them is home from the Northwest Territories. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!!

We also have Murray's parents coming for a visit for the weekend too so there'll be lots of fun for us & especially the girls! I hope Somebody Else remembers her bathing suit! ; ))) Murray & Rick are catching a concert & the girls will be hanging out at home I think, but I doubt we'll be bored.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kids' Talk

Yesterday, while making playdoh waffles- Honey "I have to kill her because it's time for breakfast" (what are we? cannibals now???)

and my songbird, Lovey, singing her very own composition "and yoouuuuuuu and meeeee, for it and all the meeeeee for ever and theyyyyyy go for youuuuuuu and meeee allll it for all the waaaaay" (this is an incredibly long song and goes on and on until she notices you watching her, at which point, the spinning, dancing, singing machine quits and goes about normal business)

Honey: after I told her the McD's was being taken down "it was getting old I sink, they have to build a new one"

I hate it when I don't have a tidbit to report for each but I can't think of any funny Sweetie-isms right now. She's tooooo busy to entertain us with any witticisms I guess!

Maybe you'd better sit down for this one...

It might be too much for you all at once to hear that my baby's coming home!!! I talked to the repair shop today & he said the parts have arrived & he'll be able to give me a quote tomorrow and have it ready to leave on Friday so Rick & Nancy can bring it to me when they come for the weekend. I will be able to take real pictures again very soon!!! He wouldn't lie to me about something important like this right??? I can hardly stand the excitement!! Could need a little gravol if I want to sleep tonight... : )))
This is me last October when we first brought her home!

More Bal Boy!

Just a few pictures of our visit with our new nephew on the weekend.

From the look on Nancy's face, I guess I must have been taking too long a turn! ; )))

One visit wasn't quite enough for us so we went back for a 2nd look. Still like him!

Holy moley!

Was there a freaking full moon last night or WHAT???? I swear someone was crying out in their sleep or actually awake and crying EVERY 20 MINUTES last night. It didn't help that I got carried away making plans for an upcoming trip with my triplet mom friends in the USA and didn't get to bed til 1AM. Somewhere in the night I gave up and went to lay down with Sweetie to settle her down & the next thing I knew it was 7:25 too freaking soon. Arghhhh!

Luckily it's Wednesday and we had places to go & people to see! Once I'd woken up enough to stumble around & get washed up & dressed, I was able to get the kids fed & out the door for 10AM. Playgroup was a Godsend today! To make it even better, Teena & Boo were there & so were Yvonne with C&J. Afterwards, we all decided to meet for lunch at McD's with the big playland to kill another couple of hours. Unfortunately when I got to the restaurant, it was all blocked off and in the process of being demolished! We had to regroup & formulate a new plan & went to the food court at the mall instead. Whew! only a small play thing there though so it didn't take long for the 5 three year olds to get bored of that!

Feeling brave, I took my 3 into Toys R Us to pick up some stuff for upcoming baby showers. They were in love with everything in there and must have picked up a hundred things each and said " Look at this Mumma! It's so ____ (pretty, fancy, special, nice... you get the idea)" I was getting a little nervous, sure a raging fit was just around the corner. I just kept saying 'oh yes, it is very ____ but we don't need it/already have one at home so put it back.' and I was surprised that they actually listened. They were keen to show them all to me but didn't give me a hard time as to why we couldn't buy it all. Whew, dodged a bullet there I think! Sweetie was particularly in love with the princess dress up dresses. I was surprised because she got one for her birthday, tried it on, thought it was a little scratchy & wouldn't touch it again for love nor money. When we got home, she went right to the closet & brought it to me to help her put on! She was Sleeping Beauty for the rest of the day and didn't complain once!

We got home mid afternoon and they played with their stuff quite nicely. I didn't have to break up a single fight all day long. Thank goodness because I don't think I'd have had the patience for that crap today! : )))

More Swimming Action

While we were away last weekend, Nanny, Auntie KK & I took the girls to an awesome pool. It had super wide steps that went all the way down into the pool. Each step was like a ledge so the girls could choose how deep they wanted to be & still touch bottom. Unless you're Lovey of course who has a death wish & prefers to fling herself out of her depth as far from you as she can get and just hope someone catches up with you before you sink to the bottom!

They were all quite excited to show off for their new observers & everyone was suitably impressed of course. The pool was warm but not too hot so you didn't feel like you were getting cooked in there! The girls didn't do quite as much actual swimming as they had the previous week but they were so enthralled with the new surroundings and having Nancy & Karen with us that they didn't seem to have much interest in practicing. That would require actually settling down & paying attention and they weren't in to that on Saturday I guess! I can't wait until they're older and can go on the big kids' side with the cool slides! It kind of makes our regular pool here rather dull in comparison now!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Since my camera is still OOC, there doesn't seem to be much point to taking pictures most days. And without new pictures, there doesn't seem to be much point in blogging, since I know it's the photos you're all really after!!!! ; ))))

Here are a few more crappy shots though, just for the heck of it & because I can't stand to let too many days go by without even this piece of $#!% camera in my hands. I did phone the camera repair shop while we were away (camera shop in same city as Bal) to see when visiting hours were but they were closed so I didn't even get to see it while I was there.... However, this coming Friday will make 3 weeks & the guy did say that that is the usual turnaround time. Rick & Nancy are coming to visit this weekend so that would work out very conveniently if it was ready... keep those fingers crossed!!!!!!!

another healthy, nutritious snack here on the homefront...

My cousin Shawn & his wife Tanya are home visiting from the NWT & we invited them and my brother over for supper one night last week. Shawn & his siblings spent a lot of time with Dale & I growing up (and vice versa). Many adventures, many laughs, many happy memories!!!

Shawn, Tanya, Kelly, Dale

Grammie's Tattoo Parlour

A visit from Grammie wouldn't be complete without some sort of esthetics treatment. Yesterday it was Halloween tattoos for the girls. Here they are with their new decorations!

Happy Birthday Grandad!

We were a little late celebrating my Dad's bday. Dale had to work on Saturday & I was away so we rescheduled for Sunday evening. M&D came down & met us at our house so we didn't have to do any more driving that day which was pretty darn convenient for us. Long car trips with 3 toddlers are not usually very much fun...

Cheeseburgers and fries for supper, yummy cake for dessert, a fine feast or as we like to say "Darn Good Eats!" (that'd be DGE to some) The girls were very keen to help blow out candles & open his presents which were a secret even to them. Honey still managed to spoil the surprise when she peeked into the gift bag & whispered rather loudly "I see coffee!!!" Oh well, at least we know he likes it. : )))

I'm an AUNT!!! I'm an AUNT!!!!!!!

Well of all the things I'd always hoped to be or do in life, I've now got 2 of the big ones covered, being a mom & now being an aunt. I had awesome aunts & uncles my whole life who lavished me with attention, teased me, took me to the beach, on picnics, horseback riding, played dress up, had me for sleepovers, let me raid their prize cupboard of unlimited amazing treasures (UR's junk drawer! LOL) and a million other things I couldn't possibly fit in here. I am soooo excited to say that Andrew & Mandy had a baby boy, Balthazar (Bal for short) on Friday evening. We packed up & hit the road when Murray got home Friday afternoon but only grandparents were allowed to visit that night so I had to wait. We were en route when we got the call that he'd finally been born, after 11 hours of active labour, by C section. So I am now officially "Aunt Kelly" to somebody!

I realized I was a little impatient when after going to bed around midnight, I was wide awake at 3:30AM, anticipating getting to see my nephew. Around 4:30am I gave up trying to get back to sleep & got up to check email for awhile & then read in bed until I finally settled down enough to fall asleep again at 6:30am.

It was so exciting to see him for the first time! He smelled just like a perfect little newborn. I love that smell! I don't know why, but my girls didn't smell like that so I felt a bit ripped off! although there were many other cute experiences to make up for it so I can't really complain. Bal already bears a strong resemblance to his dad which is a bit frightening to all of us, but after my mother in law's horror stories of raising devil boy Andrew, Mandy is feeling the most concerned about that striking similarity!!!

It was awfully hard to share him with the other visitors at the hospital on Saturday. This is the problem with having your kids just one at a time, there's not enough to go around & people have to fight! Just another reason to have triplets! LOTS to go around. I don't remember anyone ever being empty handed around this place for very long back in the early days!!!