Saturday, March 24, 2007
Super Saturday!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday Fun!
I decided to keep them busy and do some baking this morning which they love so that went well. They get excited about having their own 'job' and will fill up their measuring cup over and over again quite contentedly until I'm actually ready for that particular ingredient. So we have a nice batch of chocolate peanut butter chip cookies if anyone wants to come over for a visit. I wouldn't wait too long though. Dessert just doesn't last around here!
Bye Grammie!
Mum arrived shortly after lunch & I took Murphy out for a short run to try and burn off some of my antsy-ness. I did feel better & it was so nice to be out by myself in the daylight & feel the sun for a little while. When I got back, I decided to tackle my stuff for the clothing sale. I got alot of it sorted out. I'd mostly jumbled the outgrown things in with the winter things & the stuff to sell and had to figure out what we were keeping, what to get rid of & what needs tagging. Now that I've got that much done, it doesn't seem too bad now.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Another day in!
"Are the other girls coming Mumma?" Sweetie asked as she entered the kitchen where I was getting supper. I had no idea who she was expecting so asked what girls? She replied "Honey &, Honey & Lovey!" (so if you occasionally have trouble getting the right name out, don't worry, they can't even do it sometimes!!!). I asked what her sisters were doing & she told me they were sleeping! I went down to check & sure enough, there they were out like a light. How adorable is this?? Almost makes it hard to believe the screaming & fighting from earlier in the day... but I try to soak up these images and freeze them to hold onto because I know this sweet time in their lives is going to be over before I know it.
They'll be three soon and that means that within a few short months, they'll be going on FOUR! Time is escaping on me & as much as I love to see all the new things they learn (well most of them!) and hear all the amazing things they can say & share with me, I'm so dreading this 'growing up' stuff because I know it only leads to abandonment. As much as I'd love to pull off the Gilmore Girls relationship where everything's easy & fun with mother & daughter, I know it's unlikely to live like they do on tv. If that were possible I'd definitely have better hair & wardrobe!
I worry a lot about time running out and I'm terrified to send them off to SCHOOL, it's almost like an enemy who's coming to steal them away from me. The control freak in me is losing her mind that I have to let them go off to this other land where I don't rule and have no say over who they hang out with and are influenced by. Will I have done enough & taught them enough by then? Will they get picked on? (pity the fool who tries to boss around Lovey!) Will they have lots of friends? Will they be smart? I like to think I'm doing a good job around here but I read too many books about families with teenage girls & how easily things can go wrong, communications shut down, mistakes are made and all is lost... damn that Jodi Picoult!!! I didn't need to know about the rainbow game, stoneface or suicide pacts!!! I'll just try and block that all out for another 10 years or there won't be enough hair dye in the world to cover the grey I'll bring on myself!
Ok, back to cutesy toddler talk! Today while Shirley was here, I was getting Honey to help me make the bed. She started on her side and pulled the top quilt up right away. Then she looked at it & realized she'd forgotten to smooth the sheet & blankets underneath. She wrinkled up her brow & "hmmph, I better start over!" Oh the stuff they come out with! I cracked up right there!
Another good day for Sweetie, only one teensy accident all day. She had several yesterday though and eventually gave up on the underwear and asked for a diaper again. I was tired of the growing pile of laundry so I let her have one but I'm not sure if I should have done that or not....
Welcome Back Shirley!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
For a minute, I was SOMEBODY again!
He mostly studied his shoes while we talked but I'll take what I can get. He's never going to be an adoring 2 year old again so I'll have to content myself with these occasional moments. : ) This is probably good practice for when the girls realize their mummy isn't a super hero.... but don't anyone tell them just yet please?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
What WILL they think of NEXT?
Ok, these kids continue to surprise me and crack me up when I least expect it! (I guess that's their job though right?) We were in the kitchen working on some crafts and I'd gone to wash my hands. As I'm coming back down the hall, I hear them talking about their eyes. I turn the corner to see them twisting their heads this way and that, bobbing them up and then down, eyes squinting, rolling back into their heads, eyelids fluttering. I'm wondering if there's some sort of seizure going on!! Then they start saying "can't see my eyes! I can't see my EYES!!" I almost collapsed from giggling so hard. Have you ever thought to try to see your own eyes without the benefit of a mirror? Well, THIS is what it looks like when you do! Kids think of the darnedest things. ; )))
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sunday, the day of rest, time with family.... sounds good doesn't it? Well the girls have been driving Murray crazy all day and Honey's been a bit cranky so he thought he'd get her out for a walk, just the two of them. No problem, they're dressed & just about out the door when the other 2 catch on to this plan! Sweetie's on Day 2 of life in the panty lane so she can't go anywhere before she goes to the bathroom. I expect resistance & then that will mean she has to stay inside. Lovey has also been holding out on us so I figure Honey's quality time with Daddy is safe. Unh unh! Those 2 little turkeys just about trip over each other in their newfound haste to get to the toilet! That was the fastest trip of the day I'm sure! They get dressed quickly after some argument over whether or not they needed to keep their tights on and when Daddy started to leave without them, that settled that & off they all went, holding hands. Almost makes me want to go with them but I'm greedy to have a few minutes with the house to myself so I can enjoy some peace & quiet.... to do fun stuff like clean the bathroom and fold laundry! Oh well, it beats working intermittently between referreeing fights over toys & books. I'll take what I can get :)
Sweetie's did quite well today, even went to church diaperless without incident. She had no trouble on the walk, stayed dry on the car ride to my parents'. Through the whole day she only had one accident so I'm impressed with that! She seems to be taking this business quite seriously. Dare I hope?!?!?!? Is that light I see at the end of the tunnel? or is it just another oncoming train? Stay tuned for the next episode of Diapers of Our Lives....
M&D got back from their trip & we drove Jordie back up there. He seemed pretty happy to be home again. Since Mum didn't h ave a chance to make any supper, we had to order out, CHINESE!!!! (you can tell how upset I was about that!) The girls must have been pretty tired from their walk since they fell asleep not long after we left the driveway. Then they were fairly cranky there so we didn't stay too long & got them home to bed before things got ugly.
Murray's gone out for his long run tonight in the cold, brrrrr! He said he'll be home by midnight. Poor guy! Hope the training pays off for him.