Thursday, March 22, 2007

Welcome Back Shirley!

After a big trip to New Zealand, Shirley's back! She first started coming over shortly after the babies came home from the hospital. As a former maternity nurse, she knew her stuff and the girls gave her lots of opportunity for cuddles. She still comes each week for a couple of hours to play with them and it's still a huge help. (will I ever be self sufficient??) I can relax or get some chores done, usually a mixture of both. The girls were excited to see her and she brought them each a little stuffed koala bear which they've been carrying around all day. They sat and read books, they showed her Sweetie's new super bouncy bed, they played with their babies. I managed to finish the novel I've been engrossed in the last couple of days & baked a pan of squares and did some laundry, all interrupted. What a treat!!!!!!

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