We hadn't done any baking together in a long time and every time they found me with a batch of new cookies they wanted to know why I hadn't let them help! Usually by the time they get home from school there's not much time for the long process of having such dedicated helpers so I do it during the day while they're gone.
This week I decided to humour them and wait til they got here. With only minor fighting over jobs (choc chip measuring is the coveted role) we got the batch done up and the kitchen cleaned before Murray got home. Hooray!
Lovey was on a mission and washed all the dishes for me!
Here's a close up of my "healthy" flour mix. I got a cookbook that tells you how to sneak more good stuff into your kids without them realizing it and this is one of the tricks. Since white flour has almost no nutritional value, they suggested jazzing it up a little.
Soooo, my flour bin is actually a blend of white flour, whole wheat flour, wheat germ and flax seed. This gets more fibre in for sure! It's almost undetectable in things like chocolate cheesecake muffins, (and anything chocolate based)and banana bread and although noticeable in these Chocolate Chick cookies, they still taste great.
See my productive little chefs hard at work? I only had 2 spatulas and 3 workers so you can imagine how that went! They worked it out though by getting the 3rd person to move the cooled cookies into the container which they also love doing.
Now here's the ultimate secret ingredient that gives a major nutritional boost and makes these cookies
sooooooooo light & super moist!! I use my
MIL's recipe, substitute my flour blend and then chuck this whole can (drained & rinsed) into the batter and let the mixer beat them into a pulp.