Friday, July 27, 2007

Cheesy Picnic!

Just hangin' out in the backyard. Love those ringlets!
So many hot days last week! On Thursday we were outside for 3 hours! I waited until afternoon to go though & did a lot of indoor stuff first. They played hide n seek, had many many conversations with their animals, dolls & other toys, played with playdough and fingerpaints.

We headed for the backyard a little before 2:30 and stayed out there til Murray got home from work. They got lots of use out of their pool and I was even in there to try and cool off too! It helped quite a bit & I was able to get right down with them and work on their floating techniques.

The day before, I was sitting in a lawnchair beside the pool & thinking "wow! this is it! I've made it! Finally, they can play & I can lounge alongside & enjoy a book, they don't need me! ..... oh wait a minute! they don't need me? Isn't that the first step to that stage where they don't even want you around anymore????" I quickly dropped my book & jumped into that pool to play and splash & enjoy. I remember often daydreaming when they were tiny little demanding babies that some day they wouldn't need my constant attention & interaction so it was tempting to stay with the book but I realize I can read anytime but they're only this little once!

She's not giving me a kiss, she's actually trying to steal my cheesie!

I'm also starting to wonder what they're going to remember of this age. At what point are they going to be able to look back & have memories of anything they did, or that we did with them? I realize they'll have no concept of why Mummy was cranky or frustrated, but I really hope that's not their FIRST memory! I can remember things about our apartment in Toronto when I was little (YES I CAN MUM!!!) and I think we only lived there til I was 3 ish (Dale was born when I was 4 & we were back here by then). Will they remember that we had picnics in the backyard? that I used to play in their pool? push them forever on the swings? I hope some of the fun stuff sticks out in their minds but you just never know with kids!

Anyway, that day we played outside for hours, had a picnic of cheesies on the blanket and had a great afternoon outdoors!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Aime's Visit!

An old friend from university days was back in town this week & spent the afternoon here with her son. It was another hot day so the kids spent some time by the pool and we had some time to visit & chat. She moved to Ontario a couple years ago so I don't see her often & it was nice to have a chance to catch up!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

All Dressed Up & No Place to Go!

This whole swimming pool thing is really screwing up our bath schedule! Normally they kids would play outside in the afternoon and then I'd bring them in every other day around 3ish, give them a bath & then let them watch a bit of tv while I go up and make supper. Now that they're in the pool most afternoons, it seems strange to get them out of the pool, dry them off and then put them in the tub. Haven't they soaked off most of the dirt already? they don't look dirty.... and they're enjoying themselves out there & I hate to cut short any summertime fun as it's so fleeting!

Anyway, this morning I decided I'd give them a bath before going outside, although this didn't seem to make much sense either since they're likely to end up right in the sandbox... but they've got to have actual contact with soap once in awhile right?

So they were all squeaky clean, hair brushed and into their Princess Pamela dresses they got for their birthday last year and while I know I'm their mom and not exactly unbiased, they were pretty freaking adorable!!!! I'm so glad their dresses still fit, Princess Pamela has been spoiling us with her fancy smocking since the girls were still preemies and most of the time, they have outgrown the outfits before they've been able to wear them very much. I'm very happy to say that these dresses have seen alot more action than their predecessors!

Even though it was almost noon, I convinced them to come outside for some pictures & I was really happy with a couple of them!
My favourite from today I think!

After a late lunch, we got ready for the pool & it was so warm today that they actually played in it for almost an hour. It's so nice to have them outside running around. There's so much less fighting and screaming. Do you think they'll have outgrown all that before winter sets in again????

Narrating Fools!

I've been meaning to mention the girl's latest trick. They run around pretending they're a story and narrate their actions and thoughts and conversations, just the way it would read in their books.

Honey dashes across the living room while saying "I rushed to the window..."

Sweetie impatiently demanding something as I head down the stairs "I want a ____, I screamed!" Murray & I both burst out laughing at this one.

and as they play with their dolls, toys, spoons, washcloths (everything is a character in their dramas around here!) the items have conversations amongst themselves, narrated by the handler. Some of it is just too funny. They seem to have such great imaginations, hopefully they'll have better luck with those creative writing assignments that I always had trouble with in school!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Catching Up!

Still trying to get those "catch lights" & enhance the eyes to make them "pop'. There was some good light coming in Sweetie's window at bedtime so I tried to get some shots without any flash. Very tricky indoors! and Lovey wouldn't get anywhere near where I needed her to be in order for it to turn out so I've just got 2 bunnies this time.

Honey practicing "going right in!" You want me to do it again MUMMA?????"

Honey with some enhanced catch lights (getting tired of those yet?)

Well, time has gotten away on me this time! A fun weekend with the kids & I went out scrapbooking Friday night. On Saturday we took them swimming and after we got home and had lunch, the girls & I went out shopping in search of the elusive father's day present we've been looking for: a composter for the garden and we hit paydirt at Home Depot!

That night Andrew & Mandy came for supper and visited for a bit before taking Marty home for supper. Mandy's still hanging in there, 34 weeks down & just a few more to go!

Well gotta cut this short, just found out today that they don't keep giving you your Child Tax Credit if you haven't sent in your income taxes. We got them done ages ago but since I wasn't expecting a refund, I got lazy & stuck them in a drawer and forgot about them. Oops. Time to dust them off & fire them in the mail!!!!!!! :))))