Thursday, April 3, 2008

Out with the old & in with the new!

Do you think Murray brushes his teeth hard enough? I'm not sure how long he's used this toothbrush but it's definitely not the 5 years that its appearance would suggest. The new one will probably look like this within a week or two. This is why he's not allowed to use the electric toothbrush that requires the $8 replacement brush heads. Even with 40,000 strokes per minute, he still feels the need to bear down with the stength of Hercules and in no time he's down to to the plastic anyway.

Gymnastics Day!

If you thought I liked Wednesdays, well they have some stiff competition from Thursdays now that we have gymnastics friends!

We started class at 9am & didn't leave that building until 3:30pm. We had class & then the kids all went to play on the climber and stayed in there for the rest of the day. (well, we did let them out once or twice to feed them!)

The official group photo, gymnastics 2008!

Tulip has been working up her courage to get on the trampoline. The emptyness underneath is pretty daunting but today she was doing some big jumps all by herself!
but as you see here, the real star of the show was the lovely Ms. Teena! who is probably now regretting her casual "hey! get a picture of this!" comment... ; )))

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fishing Season Just Opened

Well apparently it did for us! Since I had bible study tonight, I knew I wouldn't be going for a walk when I got home. Instead, I talked the kids into a stroller ride so I could get a bit of exercise at least. As we were leaving, Honey says "let's pretend the stroller is our canoe!" Then they spotted some sticks in the snow & got me to fetch them for them (arf!) and start pretending that all the puddles are lakes & that the sticks are their fishing poles. They were "catching fish" left right & centre. Halfway through the expedition, Sweetie changed her mind & decided her stick was really a paddle & she was working hard to steer the boat.

This morning we went to playgroup and had loads of fun there. So much so that they weren't ready for the good times to be over. They really wanted C&J to come over (as they sometimes do) and they were open to coming but Yvonne had other stuff to do so they took a raincheque. My girls were really disappointed and kept asking who we could have over so they could play with someone. Sweetie was stomping her feet and I asked her if she was disappointed. After that I must have heard "I'm very disappointed no one's coming to visit us" 47 times!

Also on the way home in the car, Sweetie says: what does "compassionate" mean?? I have no idea where she heard this. I assume it's in one of the books Murray reads but it seems like a big word for preschool reading material. I explained what it was & asked where she heard it but she didn't know. Murray didn't either when I asked him later. Another one of the little mysteries around here!
Before we went home, I took them to the Dollarstore to get some new sunglasses for Sweetie & Lovey. Theirs had gotten broken & the glare off the snow lately is killer! We picked out some new ones and then I let them get a little bag of chips to eat in the car since we were pretty late getting back for lunch. That was pretty exciting stuff for them! Lovey picked the exact same ones she had before but Sweetie's peachy orange ones were sold out. She chose these instead.
At the rate they break these, $1 is about all I'm willing to invest for a good long while I think. Also, heaven help us when they have to get real eyeglasses!!! (we figure between Murray & my poor vision, they're bound to need them too)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You Reap What You Sow

the girls doing their own photography again! Honey did the shot above & Lovey got the one below

It was a foggy rainy day here & I didn't feel like going out into that misery so instead I thought we could get a start on a little gardening!

We had a little visitor while we were working... Lovey's pet ladybug, named "Wing-ah"
They are hilarious when Wing-ah shows up! They squeal with delight, trying to hold it as the poor thing desperately tries to escape! They love watching the bug move around, seeing where she goes and are always disappointed when she doesn't want to stick around for long! Of course it could be a few different ladybugs but I haven't told them that!

They happily mixed up their dry dirt with some water and filled their little planters. I had seeds in the cupboard but some are so old, I'm not all that hopeful that they'll ever sprout. We may have to repeat this with some fresher ones.

Lovey planted 2 colours of Morning Glory & peas & beans.
Honey was partial to the purple Morning Glory & maybe did one section with beans.
Sweetie did one section of morning glory & 3 sections of PEAS! That girl & her vegetables!
Watering was also a big hit. I was over at the counter doing something when I saw Sweetie wielding the watering can but she was pretty steady & didn't have any trouble. Then they all wanted a turn of course.

Everyone also did some sunflowers & for the heck of it, I threw in some seeds Murray had gotten me one year for Christmas. Since they're almost 10 years old, I don't expect to see any basil, oregano or chives any thyme soon. hee hee!!!