Saturday, March 17, 2007

Joining the Panty Parade....

*sigh* Someone else has decided to join the panty brigade. Sweetie insisted on underwear today... I was hesitant to let her loose with no absorbent material whatsoever but didn't want to discourage her interest either. So we went with it and just tried to stay on top of her all day. She only had one peeing accident, unfortunately, it was on Daddy's lap during story time. And then there was another incident that didn't involve pee, but other than that she did ok. Sarah (formerly known as White Bunny) played an important role in reminding Sweetie when it was time to go. If Murray or I told her she might or not go BUT if Sarah said "it's time to go pee!", she would drop whatever she was doing & say "OK Sarah!" and race to the bathroom & get the job done. Oh the power that rabbit wields!!! If only she was more diligent in her duties as trainer...

Murray's feeling much better today, especially after sleeping in til 10am!! However, my early rising paid off, he felt guilty for lounging in bed all morning and was on the job the rest of the day, playing with the kids, getting their lunch, putting away toys.... I think in the end I got the better end of the deal! I was able to get a bunch of my duties taken care of for our upcoming clothing sale, update my lists, respond to vendors inquiries etc plus catch up on some of my email.

The highlight of the day was talking to an expectant mom of triplets who lives in another part of the province. It was strange to think that 3 years ago, THAT was me, not knowing what to expect and so glad to talk to someone who'd done this and managed to survive!

My grandmother's sister passed away this week so M&D drove Grammie down so she could go to the funeral. They're spending the weekend & then coming back here tomorrow to pick up Jordie. This meant no Friday visit for the girls (and me!) but with all the extra help I'd had earlier in the week it didn't seem too bad as the week went fast (although the last 2 days felt longer, it was only 2 tough days instead of 5!)

Hopefully next week we'll have her back, I need to get cracking on the clothes I've got piled up, waiting to be sorted and priced for the sale. There's only a little over a month left and I'm away for 2 of those weekends and going to an all day crop next Saturday and Murray will be away for his big marathon for a few days in there too.

Training is still underway. He's usually doing about 70 miles a week, but with the bad weather this week he "only" logged 48. What a slacker eh? He's not as psyched about the race as he was last time. Being sponsored by his company seems to have turned it into "work" instead of running for fun. He's feeling the pressure to perform really well so they will feel they got their money's worth and that's taking away from the enjoyment a bit. Once he gets there, he'll get more jazzed though. There's alot of hype in the city that he can feed off of!

White Bunny's OUT, Sarah's IN!

Now relax, it's not what you think. Technically, White Bunny hasn't gone anywhere or retired or been eaten or anything like that. Sweetie has decided that her favourite friend now has a real name & has been calling her Sarah all week. I have no idea how she came up with it but I find it interesting because that was a name we had liked but decided against out of respect for Aunt M. Since we had no part of it, I can enjoy having a Sarah in the house afterall, guilt free!

Friday, March 16, 2007

On my own again...

Well that whole "all good things must come to an end" saying is coming to mind these last couple of days! After having 3 full days of outside entertainment with the inlaws in the house must have really spoiled me! Yesterday & today seemed awfully LONG and hard to fill the time. We had no activities planned, no playdates, nada! How quickly I forget what day to day life is like around here : ))) The fact that I was out every single night this week seemed to do nothing for my mood either, you'd think I'd have been a little more relaxed with all those outings but nope.

Today I was trying to sneak in a little break & came down to check my email while the girls were happily finishing their lunch. Honey wasn't long tracking me down though. I asked her what her sisters were doing & when she said "oh they're making a big mess" I flew up the stairs to find Lovey had helped herself to some extra milk. Of the 1.333 litres that the bag holds, she didn't seem to manage to get ANY of it to go through the valve in the lid attached to the top of her sippy cup and it was all over the table and quickly spilling onto chairs and then dripping onto the floor. *sigh* I'll never learn! While I was sopping that up, they decided to help themselves to the bag of marshmallows in the bathroom cabinet (potty rewards). Apparently the 2 DOUBLE rolls of toilet paper in the same cupboard were in the way, so those had to be tossed aside. Amazingly enough, BOTH managed to land directly in the toilet so we've GOT to get somebody into basketball at some point I guess!

Lovey was having some difficulties today, I think she's got a touch of diarrhea (her dad seems to have a full blown case though...) and she rarely made it to the bathroom on time. So if I wasn't cleaning up one mess, it was another it seems. However, I did manage to get all the mini blinds taken down & scrubbed off all the accumulated, caked on dust that's been lingering for the last 6 or so years (which reminds me, they aren't putting themselves back up! gotta go do that!).

We baked some chocolate cookies & with 3 little helpers, it went pretty quickly. There wasn't a single fight & they each had their own ingredient to measure out & the cookies were done before I knew it. They love wearing their aprons and helping. They did really well filling the measuring cups I gave them and there were no fits or messes at all!

This makes me realize I need to plan more activities, crafts, projects etc but every morning I wake up and just wing it through the day. They do so well when there's something they can focus on and work at. Now if I could just find 15 of those things for them to do every day....

Yesterday, Lovey did make it to the potty for what must have been a bit of a messy job. I found her in the bathroom with 47 baby wipes and a still slightly dirty bum. She said she'd gone on the potty but I didn't see anything anywhere in the vicinity.... so I went searching. I found the nastiest puddle in the doorway to their room. She'd gone to the potty alright! She used the one in their bedroom that we use at night so we don't have to carry them to the bathroom in the middle of the night visits. The potty had never been dumped from the previous night so had lots of content, plus her new addition. After using the potty, being a good helper and all, decided to take it to the bathroom & dump it herself since her parents were too lazy to do so. Unfortunately she must have lost her grip and it all hit the floor and created the stinky puddle. THEN she HID the bowl!!! I had a rag in hand to start sopping up the mess but I couldn't stick my hand in it! I retrieved some of the large pieces but the stench was too much! I got out the carpet cleaner & did their whole room on the 'heavy traffic' setting. I searched high & low for the bowl, checking under all the beds, in the closets, downstairs. Eventually I found it jammed behind the bedroom door where there's always so much stuff that the door's always pushed open a bit anyway.

Hopefully the weekend will be better!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Whirlwind of Activity!

H loves her Baaa-bee

Just hangin' out!

What are you looking at Sweetie?
My little poser, now who's she get THAT from?? : )))

Everybody pile onto Auntie KK!

I loooooooooooove being busy & having lots of fun stuff to do with the kids. Some things are hard to do with three 2½ year olds on my own so I think they miss out on activities that other kids get to enjoy regularly. Sooooo when helpers come to town, I abuse them shamelessly!

First thing this morning I hightailed it out of the house & made a food delivery to the twin mom who's husband is overseas. She was happy to see me, especially when she saw the Tim's we'd picked up on the way.

Since we were already out and going RIGHT by the grocery store with the good sales this week, we made a quick pit stop to scoop up all the bargains & then returned home just in time to get ready for SWIMMING! Yes, AGAIN! Two weeks in a row, how great is THAT?

Nanny & Grampy hit the highway shortly before we left, no doubt afraid I'd find either more repairs around the house for them to do or that I'd take off & leave them babysitting again.

At swimming we ran into T, little A and T's sister so the kids were all excited to see each other and kept changing their minds on whether they wanted to be in the warm pool or the regular pool. Now being in the regular pool is usually fine but going back & forth from one to the other is TORTURE! Holy freezing tushes batman! They all wanted to jump off the wall repeatedly and I did some swimming with them hanging onto my straps in the back. I was trying to get them to do a little kicking and paddling on their own but so far no dice. They were just along for the ride, wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

After swimming we went out for lunch, another treat. Going to a restaurant on my own with them just doesn't happen. We had a great outing & the kids all fell asleep on the way home, always a sign of a good outing. When we got home & after they'd snapped out of their cranky fit that follows every mini nap in the car, I took a bunch of pictures & tried to practice my manual settings. Still need a lot more practice with THAT!

I've had a lot of outings myself this week & I'm not done yet! Monday night KK & I went shopping, last night I had my moms of multiples (MOMs) meeting, tonight my "find your purpose" course at church, choir practice tomorrow night and Friday night there's a scrapbooking thing that is realllllllllllly tempting me... but Murray might have hockey or just might object to yet another night of me skipping out on bedtime duties (the KIDS, THE KIDS!!) buuuuuuuuuuut maaaaaaaaaybe not....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MIA Comment...

By the way Papacita, no sign of the comment anywhere, did it disappear???

Lovin' The Inlaws!!!

Woohoo! We have company this week! Auntie KK is on her March Break and wanted some quality time with her nieces so she decided to spend a few days with us. Then Grampy decided that sounded like fun & thought he'd come for a day himself. When Nanny heard all these plans she wasn't letting everyone have all the fun without her & she drove down with Auntie KK & they arrived yesterday. Nanny brought cookies, chicken pie, muffins, jam and loaves of bread! JACKPOT!!!!!! Since I had no idea she was making all that I also did some baking so we are living verrrrrrrrry well this week.

Nanny has taken on the task of re-caulking both bathtubs so those are looking very nice but she's spent an awful lot of time in the bathroom. However I am excited to be able to take a shower without having to enlist the DVD player's assistance!! AND besides that, she also fixed the broken spring on our dishwasher so it doesn't go into a deadly freefall everytime I open it anymore! We are SO not handy! Our bathtub would probably have caved into the basement before we'd gotten around to upgrading the caulking & we'd have just taken our chances on concussing someone before working on the dishwasher door. Nope, leaving home repair up to us is never a good idea!

Yesterday we stayed in and played & read stories. Today we've been much busier! This morning we all went to the girls' music class and then to the gym for their open gymnastics hour and had lunch there before going in. This afternoon Grampy arrived with Louie and Crazy Uncle is visiting too.

I got out to the local multiple moms meeting & got to have deep fried icecream, yummmmm!!! Big crowd out tonight, I guess everyone likes an excuse to go out for munchies!