Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Whirlwind of Activity!

H loves her Baaa-bee

Just hangin' out!

What are you looking at Sweetie?
My little poser, now who's she get THAT from?? : )))

Everybody pile onto Auntie KK!

I loooooooooooove being busy & having lots of fun stuff to do with the kids. Some things are hard to do with three 2½ year olds on my own so I think they miss out on activities that other kids get to enjoy regularly. Sooooo when helpers come to town, I abuse them shamelessly!

First thing this morning I hightailed it out of the house & made a food delivery to the twin mom who's husband is overseas. She was happy to see me, especially when she saw the Tim's we'd picked up on the way.

Since we were already out and going RIGHT by the grocery store with the good sales this week, we made a quick pit stop to scoop up all the bargains & then returned home just in time to get ready for SWIMMING! Yes, AGAIN! Two weeks in a row, how great is THAT?

Nanny & Grampy hit the highway shortly before we left, no doubt afraid I'd find either more repairs around the house for them to do or that I'd take off & leave them babysitting again.

At swimming we ran into T, little A and T's sister so the kids were all excited to see each other and kept changing their minds on whether they wanted to be in the warm pool or the regular pool. Now being in the regular pool is usually fine but going back & forth from one to the other is TORTURE! Holy freezing tushes batman! They all wanted to jump off the wall repeatedly and I did some swimming with them hanging onto my straps in the back. I was trying to get them to do a little kicking and paddling on their own but so far no dice. They were just along for the ride, wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

After swimming we went out for lunch, another treat. Going to a restaurant on my own with them just doesn't happen. We had a great outing & the kids all fell asleep on the way home, always a sign of a good outing. When we got home & after they'd snapped out of their cranky fit that follows every mini nap in the car, I took a bunch of pictures & tried to practice my manual settings. Still need a lot more practice with THAT!

I've had a lot of outings myself this week & I'm not done yet! Monday night KK & I went shopping, last night I had my moms of multiples (MOMs) meeting, tonight my "find your purpose" course at church, choir practice tomorrow night and Friday night there's a scrapbooking thing that is realllllllllllly tempting me... but Murray might have hockey or just might object to yet another night of me skipping out on bedtime duties (the KIDS, THE KIDS!!) buuuuuuuuuuut maaaaaaaaaybe not....

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