Friday, March 16, 2007

On my own again...

Well that whole "all good things must come to an end" saying is coming to mind these last couple of days! After having 3 full days of outside entertainment with the inlaws in the house must have really spoiled me! Yesterday & today seemed awfully LONG and hard to fill the time. We had no activities planned, no playdates, nada! How quickly I forget what day to day life is like around here : ))) The fact that I was out every single night this week seemed to do nothing for my mood either, you'd think I'd have been a little more relaxed with all those outings but nope.

Today I was trying to sneak in a little break & came down to check my email while the girls were happily finishing their lunch. Honey wasn't long tracking me down though. I asked her what her sisters were doing & when she said "oh they're making a big mess" I flew up the stairs to find Lovey had helped herself to some extra milk. Of the 1.333 litres that the bag holds, she didn't seem to manage to get ANY of it to go through the valve in the lid attached to the top of her sippy cup and it was all over the table and quickly spilling onto chairs and then dripping onto the floor. *sigh* I'll never learn! While I was sopping that up, they decided to help themselves to the bag of marshmallows in the bathroom cabinet (potty rewards). Apparently the 2 DOUBLE rolls of toilet paper in the same cupboard were in the way, so those had to be tossed aside. Amazingly enough, BOTH managed to land directly in the toilet so we've GOT to get somebody into basketball at some point I guess!

Lovey was having some difficulties today, I think she's got a touch of diarrhea (her dad seems to have a full blown case though...) and she rarely made it to the bathroom on time. So if I wasn't cleaning up one mess, it was another it seems. However, I did manage to get all the mini blinds taken down & scrubbed off all the accumulated, caked on dust that's been lingering for the last 6 or so years (which reminds me, they aren't putting themselves back up! gotta go do that!).

We baked some chocolate cookies & with 3 little helpers, it went pretty quickly. There wasn't a single fight & they each had their own ingredient to measure out & the cookies were done before I knew it. They love wearing their aprons and helping. They did really well filling the measuring cups I gave them and there were no fits or messes at all!

This makes me realize I need to plan more activities, crafts, projects etc but every morning I wake up and just wing it through the day. They do so well when there's something they can focus on and work at. Now if I could just find 15 of those things for them to do every day....

Yesterday, Lovey did make it to the potty for what must have been a bit of a messy job. I found her in the bathroom with 47 baby wipes and a still slightly dirty bum. She said she'd gone on the potty but I didn't see anything anywhere in the vicinity.... so I went searching. I found the nastiest puddle in the doorway to their room. She'd gone to the potty alright! She used the one in their bedroom that we use at night so we don't have to carry them to the bathroom in the middle of the night visits. The potty had never been dumped from the previous night so had lots of content, plus her new addition. After using the potty, being a good helper and all, decided to take it to the bathroom & dump it herself since her parents were too lazy to do so. Unfortunately she must have lost her grip and it all hit the floor and created the stinky puddle. THEN she HID the bowl!!! I had a rag in hand to start sopping up the mess but I couldn't stick my hand in it! I retrieved some of the large pieces but the stench was too much! I got out the carpet cleaner & did their whole room on the 'heavy traffic' setting. I searched high & low for the bowl, checking under all the beds, in the closets, downstairs. Eventually I found it jammed behind the bedroom door where there's always so much stuff that the door's always pushed open a bit anyway.

Hopefully the weekend will be better!

1 comment:

Princess Pameela said...

My God Kelly - you are TOTALLY AMAZING - what the heck is a blog! Whatever it is this site is even more amazing than the other - Love it.
A terrible day for me - dropped the phone in the bathtub, still no passport - just discovered that my driver's license, registration, and proof of ins are missing from the glove compartment of my car. You are right I do not keep my driver's license in the car but had to pull it the other day after a parking lot incident and just threw it back in the compartment and did not need it until I have to race to Fredericton hopefully to get my new passport. This is written by a very weary princess.
Always, Pamela