We got a headstart on March break when school was cancelled today. The kids were thrilled to just be home doing nothing in particular. They enjoyed their playtime a little too much and had to clean just about every room in the house after they'd played. I kept walking into different spots and finding Barbie littered floors, stuffed animal infested bedrooms, polly pocket minefields and at least a few stray art supplies! Once lunch was over they got cracking and actually did a good job straightening up :) They must have taken pity on me since I was sick!
Yesterday was insanely busy. I left the house for a 9am class and didn't get home til almost 3pm! After the class I showered up and then drove the car over to leave it for an oil change and then walked over to the church where there's a brown bag lunch/Lent service on Thursdays. After that, Julie was kind enough to drive me over to the library to get tickets for their kids' programs going on next week and gave me a lift to pick up my car. I got the car, found they'd filled up the windshield washer fluid and was pretty happy about that! easy to please or what? :) I stopped by a grocery store to pick up their special but they were out of it and so moved on to my next stop. I got my concert ticket, woohoo! Then I still had over half an hour before the kids would be home on the bus so I stopped at the used clothing store to look for a figure skating costume. The kids told us today was supposed to be dress like an "affaleaf" day and they all wanted to go as figure skaters. Since I only had one outfit, I was trying to scrounge up more! I did find one that would work and then headed home. I was starting to watch out the door for the bus at 2:55pm when it dawned on me. Great snapping turtles! it was THURSDAY! they have their science thing on Thursdays. I have to PICK THEM UP on Thursdays!!!!!!! I jumped in the car & got to the school with about 10 seconds to spare. I hustled them into the car where they told me all about the structures they'd built with marshmallows. Strangely enough, the marshmallows didn't survive and all they had left were the toothpicks. Mysterious disappearance that! ;) The other thing I'd forgotten was that I was supposed to go check out a location for the club's big spring event! I had to bring the girls with me and check out the venue with them in tow. Not distracting in the least! We managed and even after meeting me and my wild child brood, they still let us book the place!
Here are my lovely assistants onsite!