Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Fun!

Considering I got a decent amount of sleep last night (highly unusual!) I was feeling rather tense & cranky this morning & everything seemed to take forever. Lovey's having more accidents in her pants than Sweetie so I don't know what's going on with that. We had Lovey on the potty at 9:30, 11 & midnight last night & she still peed the bed.... There's no talking her back into a diaper now, she even fights it if we try to slip one on her in her sleep! It's soooooo frustrating though, all these puddles and extra clothing & bedding to wash *sigh*

I decided to keep them busy and do some baking this morning which they love so that went well. They get excited about having their own 'job' and will fill up their measuring cup over and over again quite contentedly until I'm actually ready for that particular ingredient. So we have a nice batch of chocolate peanut butter chip cookies if anyone wants to come over for a visit. I wouldn't wait too long though. Dessert just doesn't last around here!
Bye Grammie!

Mum arrived shortly after lunch & I took Murphy out for a short run to try and burn off some of my antsy-ness. I did feel better & it was so nice to be out by myself in the daylight & feel the sun for a little while. When I got back, I decided to tackle my stuff for the clothing sale. I got alot of it sorted out. I'd mostly jumbled the outgrown things in with the winter things & the stuff to sell and had to figure out what we were keeping, what to get rid of & what needs tagging. Now that I've got that much done, it doesn't seem too bad now.

Training them in the art of tv viewing.. ; ))

Every week when she comes, she's amazed at what the girls can say & do. This week she got them to tell her the whole Cinderella storyline & with only a little prompting from her, they filled in all the details, even the dog becoming the footman for the carriage! Then they played at the kitchen table while she watched (and did my dishes! looooooooove my mummy!). They used their new metal Easter eggs that split in half as helmets for their stuffed animals while they were on a "bikeride" and then they ah-tenda-bee'd that they were telephones & they 'called' each other and chatted. I see this stuff and take it all in but don't notice the things that Mum does & don't know whether it's impressive or not. I figure they've heard Cinderella 4000 times by now, they freakin' well should know how the thing goes! LOL

By the time Mum left the girls were pretty content & I was able to get supper ready without any major blow ups. The weather was so nice today & it was still light after supper. Since we'd hardly been outside all week, I suggested we make a break for it & go for a walk before getting them ready for bed.

They were like little rubber balls running down the road! They raced and hollered and laughed like they'd never been in the great outdoors before! Poor Sweetie couldn't keep her pants up. She was in such a good mood, she didn't care or even notice the breeze in the back!

For an impromptu activity, it was pretty fun! They were so funny running around as fast as they could, no one could catch Sweetie. Then they all decided they'd try to catch ME and had trouble running and laughing at the same time! They fell down & jumped right back up with no tears or fuss, they just wanted to be on the tear. Now, taking them out for a run right before bed wasn't the greatest way to get them settled down but that's OK, lots of time for sleeping later!

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