Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Race is On!

Every morning is a struggle to get all 3 girls up, fed, dressed, beds made, teeth brushed, hair done, lunches loaded into backpacks, winterwear ready & everybody out the door in 6o minutes. (tell me that didn't make you tired just reading it!!!)

Honey & Lovey have found it faster to get dressed & then eat breakfast. I'm not sure why it works but it does. They can get dressed, make their beds and finish eating all in the time it takes Sweetie to eat one piece of toast.

One night I went in to check on the girls and noticed that Lovey was half out of her nightie. I thought she must have gotten hot and tried to cool herself off. The next night I suggested a cooler nightie.

L: I like the other one!

Me: but you get so hot in that one. When I checked on you last night, you had it mostly off, you were so warm!

L: (bursting into giggles) that wasn't because I was HOT!!!!!

Me: well what were you doing then you crazy thing???

L: I wanted to get a headstart getting dressed so I can beat Honey!

It's good that she's learning to think ahead right?????

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