Sunday, July 7, 2013

Party at Old Nanny's!

Since we inconveniently had their birthday fall on Bridge night, Old Nanny couldn't make it to the party. I think my mother was more disappointed than the kids as she loves seeing Old Nanny's party attire!

Old Nanny threw her own party at her place the next day instead and served up lunch and dessert that I thought was great but some people had a hard time getting down. Surprisingly, it was Lovey who ate the most of the mini beef buns and asked for one to take for her lunch at school the next day! Regardless of what's served, it's done with style and they love sitting at her lunch counter!

A snocone maker is awesome to have in this hot weather! Mmmmm! Sweet, flavourful ice to beat the summer heat! Thank you for all the spoiling Old Nanny! (oh and the free babysitting so I could run to pick up fish for our supper was a nice bonus too! not sure who's more spoiled, me or those girls!!!)

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