Monday, March 30, 2009

It finally happened.

*sigh* this is not a tragedy. it happens to just about everybody. this is not a big deal. it was bound to happen sooner or later. there are bigger problems in the world. it could be so much worse. it's only temporary.

Ok, having said all that I'm just crushed! Lovey was upset about her bangs being all cockadoodie today and was working herself into a rage when they wouldn't lay down properly. She insisted on the black comb and started wetting it & working on the bangs. They weren't quite complying with her demands & I could hear the beginnings of a big screaming fit starting so I left her to do that and went upstairs.

A little while later, she came & found me and said "Mumma! I fixed the pwobwem!" Keeping a smile on my face was pretty darn difficult. The urge to cry and or laugh was almost overpowering. She was obviously so pleased at having taken care of the issue that I didn't dare tell her any different.

Lovey: "Do you like my haircut Mumma????" (yikes! how do I get around this one without lying!?!?!?!)
Me: you are a beautiful girl! your haircut is very different, I think it's going to take awhile for me to get used to it (whew! dodged another one!)

and she didn't just get the bangs. oh no. she's thorough with her problem solving skills. hacked a little off the top there, took a chunk out of her little ponytail and plenty off the sides. Murray is somewhat impressed at the mullet she's given herself.
Her sisters had no qualms about giving it to her straight.
"Your hair is BAD!" " I don't like it" etc but she didn't seem upset with their comments.
They were upstairs quietly playing dress up with some new clothes that Shooter Shelley gave me that her daughter had outgrown while Lovey Scissorhands was at work downstairs.
I'm not sure how long Lovey's going to like her new haircut. I'm curious to hear what happens when we get to school tomorrow, or even when I'm trying to do her hair in the morning. She's already mentioned something about wanting it to grow back.


Unknown said...


Oh my. Oh my.

It will grow back. :)

Neisey said...!

She looks so pleased with herself. ONly one of my girls tried this and it was not a major chunk, but yours...well, it appears to be several major chunks.

Maybe she'd like one of those new, layered, shorter looks.

Hope it grows back quickly.