Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Recently some room-envy talk started. Sweetie thought it was unfair that she had to be alone in her room & Lovey thought it would be much better to have a bigger bed. They'd asked if they could do a trade but we didn't want to mess with this on a weeknight and weekends fly by too fast to remember to try these experiments.

Now that we're on vacation and don't have the early morning bus to catch, we can afford to mess around a little! We gave it a shot the other night with absolutely no hopes that it would last longer than half an hour.
It took a little longer to settle down than normal but we expected that of course. There were many exclamations about how the new bed was soooooooo much better than their other one but after that they both just fell asleep. I'd expected there to be at least one change of heart & one who didn't want to go back and one big meltdown!
However, we are not disappointed by the lack of fire/waterworks. They've had a few nights in their new spots and still seem quite pleased with it. Lovey is thrilled to have so much space (although she's generally exactly where we left her whenever we go back in!) They moved most of their blankets and animals but have thought of a few more things they need to go back and get but bedtimes are fairly smooth. The new accommodations aren't what's keeping them up at night, it's the guy in the red suit who can whip them into a frenzy without even making an appearance!

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