Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rockin' the Guac!

I looooooooooooove guacamole! Before I lived in Mexico, I'd never even tried it. I had heard of it but it didn't sound or look very appetizing so I never bothered.

It's practically a staple down there and eventually I hazarded a bite. That's all it took & I was hooked!! I thought I'd get some pictures of this tasty treat & share the recipe. My mum says no one will want to read about this so if she's right, skip this post. However, if you'd like to help prove my mum wrong, please leave a comment :))) *ahem* if you know what's good for you & would like to continue to get future kid updates, you know what to do :)))

Ok, so the first picture shows the ingredients (minus salt, forgot that til later) and my favourite tortilla chips to eat it with. Other than one small deviation, this is la receta autentica for Mexican guacamole (or at least in the part of Mexico I lived in).

First things first, slice open the aguacate (avocado). For easy pit removal, press the knife blade into it just far enough so it sticks. Then give a gentle twist of the knife it will pop right out. Strangely enough, I learned this trick in Canada from my mumma!
Next, scoop out all the halves (I use 2 avocadoes) and dice up into chunks and put in a bowl.
If you're really keen, you can juice a real lime, but I use the lime juicer in the bottle. Then add salt to taste. I warn you, it's more than any health organization will deem safe but what do they know about Mexican food???
Now here's the deviation. I hate onions, especially raw ones. The taste and texture are excellent diet mechanisms! However, guac without onions is lacking a little something. I've found a couple teaspoons of garlic can bridge the gap nicely. If you're an onion fan, dice some up and throw them in. You will have Kelly-proofed your appetizer :)

Stir everything together and then dice up a tomato (1 tomato to 2 avocadoes if you want to increase the batch, that's the ratio). I usually use plum tomatoes because that's what is used down there, plus they're usually the cheapest to buy.
Stir the tomato into the avocado mix and begin taste testing! If it tastes off, add a splash of lime or a dash of salt until it seems right.
Buen provecho amigos!


Angela said...

I am continually amazed at how awesome your pics are! You're fabulous:)

KelMur & Co. said...

thanks Angela! ummm you forgot the "glad you didn't listen to your mother" part!!! :)))

Princess Pameela said...

I am not a "Guac" fan but with these instructions who could go wrong! I certainly would make it for company. Besides that I want to continue to receive more posts.

Dad(MummaFan) said...

Beautiful pictures, amazing actually, but I still wouldn't eat it on a bet!!
Adios Princesscita.
Please let me know when my suspension is up.

Neisey said...

Your mom is WRONG. I absolutely LOVE guac. I first had it at a SU get together at Sarah Grace's. I use a pre-packaged seasoning mix that I used to have to get Mom and Dad to bring from the Maritimes until we finally had a Sobeys open here in Ottawa. I will give your recipe a try - have 4 avacodos on my counter right now, but sadly...someone ate all the nacho chips so it will have to wait til tomorrow.