Friday, August 27, 2010

Life in Plastic, It's Fantastic!

The girls hit the jackpot today! A scrapbooking friend of mine contacted me back in the spring to let me know she was getting rid of some Barbie loot. She posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook and I showed them to the girls and let them each pick one thing. Then their birthday came and went, then school ended and things got busy. My girls of course, never forgot about it and asked regularly about the ETA of the goods :)

This week things finally worked out and we dropped over to Lydia's to pick up the different sets. The highlight for me was seeing her scrapbook room! She took over the entire upstairs living room and has shelving and carts and drawers FULL of paper, ribbons and all sorts of fun stuff! She suggested the girls come back to play sometime with their Littlest Pet Shop collection (over 500!!!) but I want to go back and play myself!

We got home around lunchtime and they unloaded the box of stuff from the car, brought it in and unpacked it in the living room all by themselves. I let them play awhile but had to drag them to the kitchen to eat lunch and they were immediately back into their "pet store/Barbie's room/bakery" sets. They stayed at it for 4½ hours when we made them take a supper break!

My favourite of the "heard in conversation" was "THIS is the BEST day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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