Saturday, December 11, 2010

O Christmas Tree!!!!!!

We had our tree trimming party tonight! The girls had a birthday party in the afternoon so while they were gone, Murray & I picked up a tree & set it up downstairs. Murray went for a run and I started throwing on some lights & getting snacks ready. I ran into a small snafu when I was adjusting the tilt of the tree though. We usually tie a string from the trunk onto a screw in the wall to make sure it doesn't topple over. As I was adjusting, the screw came OUT! So I get one leg hooked around a branch while trying to keep the string in one hand and get the screw back in with the other. I can't let go to search for the screwdriver or the tree will go and the base FULL of water will go everywhere and no one's around to call for help! I used my Mumma magic & got the screw in well enough to hold the weight of the tree while I ran for the screwdriver and got hat tightened up. Ahhh the drama, excitement and danger of the holidays!

I laid out quite a spread and everything went over pretty well. Only Honey had a complaint and it was that she didn't like the cherries in the middle of the chocolates! I tried to push her onto the Hershey kisses instead but she liked the chocolate & the filling of the other, just not the actual cherry part! Lovey had no such qualms about any of her chocolate!

Super cool Christmas tree lights photo!

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